The Closed Session Votes are as follows:
No votes taken
Unanimous vote to assign Steve Mossotti to “Department Project and Grant Specialist” at a salary of $75,000 per year.
Unanimous vote to promote Jim Hampton to the rank of Assistant Chief.
Unanimous vote to grant Steve Mossotti’s request to assign him to the rank of Captain.
Carla J. Juelfs, PHR
Human Resources
Is Assign same thing as promote and I thought Enz was our big grant getter isnt that what they pay her for or is she one of those pain in the ass lobbiest I hear so much about. And why would you have to sign a confidentiality letter for something as simple as this. Something smells funny. Im sure chief Massotti jumped at the cance to go from asst chief to captain. Chief White is a great leader BUllSHIT.
Chief Hampton Received the largest one time reiterment payment of anyone. I heard almost $800,000.00
and then was contracted to work for the district for $90,000.00 a year. Now he is back at Asst Chief replacing a guy that I dont think did anything questionable besides maybe siding with Hilmer&Co.
So Chief White since you read this blog everyday why dont you clue us taxpayers in on this latest information. Wow SECRETS SECRETS SECRETS. Concerned Tax Payer !!
I wonder if Carla is running with Hampton now? I wonder if Hampton will get Fah's foot in the door? Hell, I wonder if Fahs isn't already there and noone knows it yet?
I cant believe Aaron and Bonnie signed that check.
Hey Timmy Fahs was your friend first why havnt you got him in the door.
Whats Hampton's new salary? Didnt read this anywhere.
Here comes the bus there goes Carla
right under it. Poor Carla I guess you loss the spin of the bottle. Dont worry Judy is probably next. Oh yea 11:28 STOP LYING ABOUT BEING A CHRISTIAN ! Your a FAKE AND A FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heins: Your blog is full of hate. That's all you spew here. You're also a hypocrite. The crap you publish here is a thousand times worse than anything I've ever seen in the Call.
For 2010, it's time to boycott this blog!
WHO CARES HE ALREADY HAS $800,000.00 He is the million dollar chief
8:44 Its confidential ha ha what a joke. well voters its your tax money.
Carla 11:28 is either Stonebraker or Tim
5;18 Oh pleez, pleez, don't boycott my little blog. At least not till you tell me how I've angered you so. This thread is about closed session votes at the MFPD BOD. I didn't even make a comment about them. As to the Call, Shirley you jest!
Happy New Year!
Mike Heins
I hope Hampton does get Fahs in. As soon as Timmy screws up, Fahs will be chief. That is the only way this district will be straightened out! Timmy is already on borrowed time.
12:21 You are a real jerk plus you are the fake and fraud.
Does anyone know the names of the Chiefs that took the payout or payoff and are now working back at the fire district over 2 mill in payout. only to hire them back at 100k a year.
Thanks for the meeting minutes. Can you expand to get the budget and monthly treasures report?
8:52 For what defending Carla 11:28 and you must be related You should be carful whos family members you spread rumors about. Didnt see that coming did ya Fake, Fake, Fake, Fraud, Fraud, Fraud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7:38 am I bet your wife is a fake just like you. Does it make you a fake if you work for John Hancock?
1:32 please read 11:28 comment then read 12:21 you mightbe able to see that theyare not the same person12:21 is simply stateing that they think 11:28 is spreding rumors nothing fake about that but Itell you yhis 12:21 is definetly not the asshole you think they are relax I know for a fact they are on your side.
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