Saturday, January 16, 2010

Confidentiality Agreements at the Mehlville Fire Department

The South County News was billed $5.20 for two sheets of paper. If the Call was billed this, they'd throw a fit.

From the Mehlville Fire Protection District:

All administrative employees required to sign this.


This Agreement is entered into this ___day of January, 2010, by and between_______________, an Administrative Employee of the Mehlville Fire Protection District, and the Employer, the Mehlville Fire Protection District.
WHEREAS, Employee acknowledges that, in the course of employment, Employee has, and may in the future, attain Confidential Information relevant to issues and matters of the Mehlville Fire Protection District; and

WHEREAS, the Mehlville Fire Protection District does not want the disclosure of said Confidential Information;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings under this Agreement, the parties agree as follows:

1. Disclosure. Employee agrees to refrain from discussing Confidential Information relevant to the Mehlville Fire Protection District.

2. Confidentiality

2.1. No Disclosure. Employee agrees to use his or her best efforts to prevent and protect the Confidential Information relevant to the Mehlville Fire Protection District.

2.2 Protection of Secrecy. Employee agrees to take all steps reasonably necessary to protect Confidential Information, or any part thereof, from disclosure to any person outside the Administrative Staff of the Mehlville Fire Protection District.

3. Term and Termination. The obligations of this Agreement shall be continuing until the Confidential Information disclosed to recipient is no longer confidential.

4. Failure to abide by this agreement may result in discipline up to and including termination.

5. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties. No representation or promises have been made except those that are set out in this Agreement.

6. This Agreement may not be modified except in writing and signed by the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement effective as of the date first written above.

Signed: Signed:

Print Name: Print Name:

Title: Title:

Date: Date:

This is a true shame. Not only does our fire district's leadership not trust their own staff, they think forcing them to sign some agreement will gain their obedience. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the district has admitted they have no written policy covering these agreements nor any policy defining " Confidential."


Anonymous said...

This has got to be a Joke

SouthCountyMike said...

Nope, no joke. I'm guessing the new chief is trying to plug some leaks, but they're probably coming from the bragging by his BOD members.
When employees of the district start helping their family businesses make $100,000 for a quick flip of property to the district, you try to keep some secrets.

Anonymous said...

They dig the hole deeper every week, lol.

Anonymous said...

This whole fire district has become a joke. The community was already something of a joke.

Anonymous said...

Well, they have leaks because I just talked to an Administrative person this morning that filled me in on all kinds of info from inside. This same person signed this agreement. Tim, NOBODY likes or trusts you including people on your command staff.

Anonymous said...

I did work for the AGs office for several years and I can tell you that the only items that are considered confidentality are closed session that would be related to individual employees, property and legal. Any open session are day to day operations are not considerate confidentality. Most employees that don't attened closed sessions are not privey to the confidentiality materials. These documents on keeping people mouths closed are a threat do to the elective officials being paranoid of what thay are doing. Most of this is nothing but threats againist the employees and there families.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody else do this in the county?

Anonymous said...

Ive been laughing at them all along.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should get the truth detector some exlax I havent herd crap from him in 3 weeks

Anonymous said...

How is this possibly legal?

Anonymous said...

Whether its legal or not, it's not working. Just got off the phone with a certain someone from the front office who shed some more info my way. Joe Schmidt has said repeatedly that he would wipe his ass with the aggreement.

Anonymous said...

4:58am It is not legal in the way they are doing it. Like Mike has mentioned, there is no written policy or definition to what the agreement is. It is assumed it means everything. They have done this to intimidate these employees. They hope the ones they fire feel they signed away their rights. And, once again these district leaders will step on themselves.

Anonymous said...

Im Still LAUGHING at the BOD and Stoney North county has nothing on these fruitcakes

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's almost as funny as when that clown Heins was on the school board. Talk about a circus!

SouthCountyMike said...

Ouch! What's that clown comment all about? I'm very proud of my service to the Mehlville School District. Perhaps you could explain why you would refer to that period as a circus.

Anonymous said...

Mike its because he cant keep his mouth shut he is dying to say something but the lawyers told him to shut the hell up. Mike did you purchase property for the school District. that provided a financial gain for a teacher , did you buy out teachers with 800,000.00 dollars only to contract them back for 90,000 ayr them promote them for 100k a year to be asst chief did any of the teachers have to sign a bogus confidentialty letter. so they wouldnt be terminated. The answere is no un heard of in mehlville school dist. but to quote Aaron wouldnt it be nice if the school district opersted this way. And lets not forget the historic tax decrease that failed miserebly.

Anonymous said...

Mike, good work in getting this information out to the public. Now, imagine if the Mehlville School District forced all employees to sign a confidentiality agreement....the Call would be all over that. But I don't recall this information ever being published about the BOD. So, if you are a true "investigative" newspaper, with no bias, then you would report this.....All this proves is that the Call is not a real "newspaper" but instead is just propaganda. Maybe this will be in the next "Hotline?" Oh wait, that propaganda just happens to no longer be published. We need a real newspaper staffed with people who really report news, not people who just kiss butt and refuse to pay their bills.
And PS...if anyone thinks that when Mike Heins was on the school board was a circus time, all I can say is that Mehlville didn't have the budget problems, the leadership problems, the academic problems, and poor image then that it does now...and for all of you who will say that this current board is stuck with cleaning up that mess, then please ask yourself "How long has Karl Frank had to implement "The Frank Plan?" All that has happened since he was elected is that the district has gone downhill. Nice plan, Karl.

Anonymous said...

You know whats funny is Bill and Mikes halfassed attempt to cover up the mistakes of the BOD I heard it cost between 10,000 and 20,000 for each hotline letter during the historic election three letters in total you do the math it was our tax dollars that paid for that beautiful piece of journalistic crap

Anonymous said...

That confidential agreement might work in the corparate world but this is a public service. No dice in the court system

SouthCountyMike said...

6:21 I guess you'd have to know why it is was designed. I'm sure it is the product of some closed session discussion, which of course is illegal.
If it was designed to stop someone from releasing confidential information, such as employees' social security numbers, federal statutes already apply, so it would be redundant. As to other types of information, employees still enjoy the constitutional right of free speech. This document is so ambiguous, I can't believe it was approved by the district's attorney and if it wasn't designed to stand up in court then it was just designed to intimidate their staff.

Anonymous said...

Matthew Hoffman better belly up to the BAR Assoc if he backs this one!

Anonymous said...

The Fire ept personnal should make a copie of todays truthspot. looks like a certain person is trying to link you guys to a crime.