Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Governor Blunt Ordered the Code Red

In the movie, A Few Good Men, Jack Nicholson's character would not acknowledge that he ordered the unauthorized disciplinary procedure which lead to the death of a young marine. I don't know how others feel when watching the movie but it doesn't bother me all that much. The fact is military leaders me decisions all the time that lead to injuries and deaths of their troops. It's a tough part of the job. The problem with Colonel Jacob was that he was going to let two enlisted men stand before a court martial for something that was his responsibility. This conduct is truly unbecoming for a United States Military Officer.
But that's a movie. What we had at Governor Blunt's office was reality. He was responsible for the e-mail problems at his office. They had numerous problems retaining the state's business records and also attempted to destroy those records. For that mess, I can't get too worked up, but I can not excuse the firing of the attorney who tried to stop it and the attempt to ruin his reputation with slander.
It's a shame Gov. Blunt doesn't think we can handle the truth!


Anonymous said...

It makes one wonder why he pulled the plug so quickly on his potential re-election bid. I believe there is more to come from the that buffoon and his time in the gov's manse that we paid for!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Col Jessup.....but I got your point

SouthCountyMike said...

They tell me the memory's the first thing to go.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like Joan Barry was actually defeated.

SouthCountyMike said...

Right now, I understand she's down by 76 votes going into a re-count. I'm not giving up just yet.

Anonymous said...

I hope for the all of us in south county that the re-county comes out with Joan winning or blunts mistakes will look small compared to what going to happen here.

Anonymous said...

You do not have to worry about, Joan is going to lose lose lose.
Sorry but it was the best for South County and the fine citizens that need a tax break and honesty in Govenment. TRY AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Is honesty in government the brochure that lembke and his republican cronies mailed showing four properties that the barrys own? They only wish those were theirs,or is honesty in government stating you are the only prolife senate candidate,the list goes on and on.Oh'by the way,a 76 vote gap is considerabily less than the gap between your front teeth, visit a dentist Lembke !

Anonymous said...

Agree, winning by 76 votes is hardly a mandate from voters. Lembke is a far right loon.

Anonymous said...

You people are the fucking loons. Most of you IDIOTS don't have your teeth or brains. All Democrats are fags and fuck brains.

SouthCountyMike said...

Ouch. You sound a bit disgruntled. Is it because your friends who thought an unregulated Wall Street would protect your retirement savings failed you?