Thursday, October 29, 2009

James Stonebraker Is Consistent!

That's consistently a Hypocrite! I understand the South County Truth Spot has some information from a recent deposition of a Mehlville Firefighter. Wasn't it just a month or so ago Stonebraker was condemning me for writing about a deposition? Wasn't he suggesting that I should fear the wrath of the judge in the case for releasing just such information? Perhaps Stonebraker knows I didn't do anything wrong or perhaps he feels that Mrs. Stonebraker's employment with former federal prosecutor Catherine Hanaway and John Hancock will protect him. Either way, Jimbo, you're a hypocrite. But at least you're consistent.


retnav2001 said...

He is a liar to what a sorry little man.

SouthCountyMike said...

Yes, he is. He gets caught in his lies all the time. Pity the fool!

Anonymous said...

So who is telling Stonebraker about the depositions? I don't think that is a hard one to figure out. Talk about a feather in Strinni's hat:

retnav2001 said...

Aaron should know by now if laydown with the devil you wake up with your ass on fire. Is it getting warm Aaron? Your mentor is a failure and a liar

Anonymous said...

How many people is White going to reprimand before the firefighters wake up and do real battle with these jerks.

Anonymous said...

And let the games begin:

retnav2001 said...

What did TEXTING Timmy do now? When is Timmy going to stop playing dress up and let a real chief lead.

Anonymous said...

Comrade Stoner I mean Stonebraker has the answer:
Since it is the intention of the state & local firefighters' unions to destroy the MFPD and deprive it of the funding required to operate, we have a suggestion for the Board of Directors: Open a call for volunteer firefighters to replace the paid union firefighters who will have to be laid off due to lack of funding if the Attorney General prevails in court.

In Missouri, volunteer firefighters comprise the vast majority of personnel staffing fire districts across the state. Volunteers are professional and highly motivated for the simple reason that they WANT TO BE FIREFIGHTERS. Since Nick Fahs and his union cronies are starting up ANOTHER WAR that they will lose, perhaps it is time to consider a largely volunteer fire department who actually wants to SERVE instead of SUE the taxpayers who pay the princely salary and benefits to these ungrateful and malcontented public employees.

Yeah that will work, when you get your homeowner's insurance bill sticker shock will set in and your first response...WTF!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jim Stonebraker is a consistent ass hole: