The Board of Directors of the Mehlville Fire Protection District of St. Louis County, Missouri, met at the Mehlville Conference Room, 11020 Mueller Road, St. Louis County, Missouri, on the 8th day of October, 2009.
Present at the meeting were:
Bonnie C. Stegman, Treasurer and Director of the Board;
Edmond Ryan, Secretary and Director of the Board;
James J. Silvernail, Chief of the Mehlville Fire Protection District; and
Timothy J. White, Administrative Chief Fire Officer of the Mehlville Fire Protection District.
Aaron Hilmer, Chairman and Director of the Board, was not present.
Mrs. Stegman called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and announced the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.
Mrs. Stegman made a motion to approve the payment of bills of September 28, 2009 and to attach a copy to the minutes. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Mrs. Stegman stated that approval of the Board Meeting minutes for July would be postponed until the next Board meeting.
Chief White updated the Board on the Fit for Duty and showed a DVD of the timed portion of the test. He has been working with ProRehab to finalize the full test and will present the completed package to the Board at a future meeting.
Mr. Ryan discussed #1 House landscaping. Farinella has provided an estimate of $3,170 for removal of the honeysuckle and planting of evergreen shrubs. Mr. Ryan made a motion to accept the bid of $3,170 from Farinella Landscaping. Mrs. Stegman seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.
Chief White introduced Elaine Kilker from National City Insurance Group who outlined a Wellness Program to be provided by Interactive Health Solutions (IHS), which is establishing wellness programs for the City of Chicago Firefighters and New York City Firefighters. The IHS Wellness Programs include annual on-site testing for employee-controllable issues such as blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides, and tobacco use, and setting of goals and incentives for achieving goals. United Healthcare will cover the testing as preventive care. Chief White added that the Wellness Program would be a third component, along with the Fit for Duty and a Physical Fitness Program, in his plan to improve firefighter health. The program would be HIPAA compliant. Chief White would like the Board to consider the Wellness Program and vote on it at a future meeting.
Mr. Ryan updated the Board on House 2 landscaping. He stated that the landscaping looks attractive and that the bioswale functioned effectively during recent strong rains. He suggested the planting of a white pine to obscure the shed from neighbor view.
Mrs. Stegman then made a motion that a closed meeting be held for the purpose of discussing personnel, legal and real estate matters immediately following the adjournment of the regular meeting. Mrs. Stegman, as part of said motion, moved that said closed meeting not be open to members of the general public under the provisions of Chapter 610 of the Missouri Revised Statutes, commonly referred to as the Sunshine Act. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ryan. A roll call vote on said motion was taken.
Director Ryan yea.
Director Stegman yea.
There being no further business, Mrs. Stegman adjourned the meeting at 5:37 p.m.
Bonnie C. Stegman, Treasurer
Edmond Ryan, Secretary
The undersigned, being all members of the Board of Directors of the Mehlville Fire Protection District, have affixed their names thereto in evidence of their consent to the meeting at the time and place indicated, and in evidence of their approval of the actions taken at the said meeting.
Bonnie C. Stegman
_________________________________________ Edmond Ryan
It seems like the taxpayers should be allowed to know what legal and real estate matters were discussed.
Sunshine law my ass.
The law allows exemptions to these disclosures for good reasons. Any possible purchaser of a piece of property would not like their positions known until the purchase was locked up. The same goes for many legal matters. They are only required to disclose votes taken in these closed sessions. There were none in this meeting, according to the distrct's record's custodian. This time, and I mean this time only, it appears that they are following the law. Of course, nothing in the law requires them to keep these things hidden from the public should they want the appearance of transparency.
So they are trying to follow the law. This time wow what did they do before. Just smells fishy to me.
But iguess we will never know the truth. Just like july's min not being available for review yet maybe they need to be doctored up. min from 4 months ago not ready hmmmmmm interesting.
6:50 am you have know idea what the sunshine laws are so keep your damn mouth shut.
Just because 6:50 isn't an expert on the Sunshine Law, that doesn't make his or her concern invalid. The Fire District has violated their own policy by not approving their minutes at the next following meetings and this should concern anyone who cares about open government. Also, 2:49, should you like to make a point here, try not to be rude.
2:49 I apologize for upsetting you but maybe we could meet and you could help me understand the sunshine laws since. you are such the expert. I am ignorant on some things and maybe my views would be clearer if you would try a more positive toward people with less understanding of these things I think working together would help this community more than Just being rude.
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