Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year from Mike Heins

I won't be able to sum up last year as well as the Spot of Truth, so I, Mike Heins, aka SouthCountyMike, will ask a few questions.

Will the new anti-smoking law, effective today, hurt businesses in Kirkwood?
I predict no, Arnold doesn't seem to be hurt by their law passed years ago, so Kirkwood will survive and, perhaps, prosper!

Will the Call remain in business despite another bad year, mounting debt and court judgements still outstanding?
Probably, with primary elections coming up, they'll have another opportunity to practice their version of journo-extortionism? This still leaves us wondering why God made so few horses and so many horses' asses!

Will the Mehlville Fire District continue its spiral down the drain?
This one's easy. Hell, leadership starts at the top and we have incompetence at both the the chief and the board of directors. Recent demotions of experienced administrative personnel put our community in jeopardy. But don't expect to read about it in the Call!


Anonymous said...

Mossotti demoted?
Hmmm, let's see if we can postulate why that might have happened.

Mossotti spends the first four years of Hilmer's reign sucking up to the emperor. He betrays everything he ever might have stood for and everyone who might have once had a degree of respect for him.

Given Silvernail's propensity to show up whenever, go home whenever and nap in his office whenever, it was Mossotti who essentially ran the department for four years. (Common knowledge, people!)

Mossotti's reward? Hilmer betrays him TO THE EXTREME by promoting shallow know-nothing idiot Tim White to chief! (For the moment we'll pass on the sublime satisfaction it must have given the rank and file to see Mossotti screwed in such a public fashion after all the lies and mistreatment he helped Hilmer heap on the employeees. Hey, he was only following orders from the Fuhrer!)

Now Mossotti knows as well as anyone, better than most, what a complete nincompoop White is. Suddenly he finds himself taking orders from Dudley Dumb Ass who knows NOTHING about running a fire district...

I'm guessing Mossotti finally snapped and told White to go f--k himself. This would be convenient for White because he must have been horribly discomfitted by the huge gulf of experience and knowledge between himself and Asst Chief Mossotti. Timmy is a paranoid, insecure little freak. He would welcome a chance to place Mossotti at least at arm's length and Mossotti hands him the tool to do it: insubordination!

Let's see, they can't afford to shove Mossotti out the door entirely because he knows WAY too much. Plus, unless he decked White or something, insubordination is probably not a hanging offense. So let's demote him so White doesn't have to look him in the face every hour of every day!

Then, we get Mossotti to sign a confidentiality agreement to keep his mouth shut tight at least until he retires.

Then, we promote someone more malleable like Hampton, who has never shown any reluctance to do what is best for Hampton.

Interesting. Can't feel sorry for Mossotti. He knew Hilmer was a scorpion when he crawled into bed with him.

Don't feel any sorrier for the employees. They were at the mercy of scurrilous fools before and they still are. Not much changed there.

Don't feel sorry for the community. They stupidly set five years of decline and crap tactics into motion by voting Hilmer into office without knowing anything about the punk.

Nope, we're just down to pure entertainment value now.

Anonymous said...

4:30 GOOD JOB !!!!!! Now lets see how Hilmer and Anthony Spin this Latest Screwup!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know Northeast has problems, And I know MFPD has issues. But I cant help wondering why the news has'nt picked up on some of this. Maybe it is because we are all white here in Mehlville ooops I mean alright.