Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Most Irresponsible Legislator in Missouri

Today's Post Dispatch front page article shows again why Jim Lembke should be considered the most irresponsible legislator in Missouri. I really don't care why he thinks we shouldn't use the latest technology to enforce our traffic laws but to encourage citizens not to pay their fines proves once again he's off the deep end.How this clown got elected after trying to get a judge impeached for ruling against a friend/politician in a child custody case, is just amazing.It's embarrassing that he represents my community in the Missouri State Senate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea Lembke & Leara, Hilmers Wondar Mutts. He has no business commenting on anything after that attempted Tax Decrease tdebocal Known as Props 1&2 Aka Bill 711 which is currently in the circut court being decided if it is constitutional. I dont want rhis clown anywhere near my community or any state wide decision.