Thursday, October 7, 2010

Social Security: Clip 'n Save

Social Security Facts: Clip 'n Save
by: Yellow Dog
Thu Oct 07, 2010 at 11:00:00 AM CDT
Social Security bamboozlement is moving into high gear for the last month of election season. Don't expose yourself to repug lies without protection.
From Digby:

Do yourself a favor and print this out. Or memorize it. Read it at least. It is written by Paul N. Van de Water, a Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, where he specializes in Medicare, Social Security, and health coverage issues:

In a new paper, I've tried to correct some of the misinformation that critics of Social Security have been spreading about the program.
Here are the facts. Social Security is a well-run, fiscally responsible program. People earn retirement, survivors, and disability benefits by making payroll tax contributions during their working years. Those taxes and other revenues are deposited in the Social Security trust funds, and all benefits and administrative expenses are paid out of the trust funds. The amount that Social Security can spend is limited by its payroll tax income plus the balance in the trust funds.

The Social Security trustees - the official body charged with evaluating the program's long-term finances - project that Social Security can pay 100 percent of promised benefits through 2037 and about three-quarters of scheduled benefits after that, even if Congress makes no changes in the program. Relatively modest changes would put the program on a sound financial footing for 75 years and beyond.

Nonetheless, some critics are attempting to undermine confidence in Social Security with wild and blatantly false accusations. They allege that the trust funds have been "raided" or disparage the trust funds as "funny money" or mere "IOUs." Some even label Social Security a "Ponzi scheme" after the notorious 1920s swindler Charles Ponzi. All of these claims are nonsense.

Every year since 1984, Social Security has collected more in payroll taxes and other income than it pays in benefits and other expenses. (The authors of the 1983 Social Security reform law did this on purpose in order to help pre-fund some of the costs of the baby boomers' retirement.) These surpluses are invested in U.S. Treasury securities that are every bit as sound as the U.S. government securities held by investors around the globe; investors regard these securities as among the world's very safest investments.

Investing the trust funds in Treasury securities is perfectly appropriate. The federal government borrows funds from Social Security to help finance its ongoing operations in the same way that consumers and businesses borrow money deposited in a bank to finance their spending. In neither case does this represent a "raid" on the funds. The bank depositor will get his or her money back when needed, and so will the Social Security trust funds.

As far back as 1938, independent advisors to Social Security firmly endorsed the investment of Social Security surpluses in Treasury securities, saying that it does "not involve any misuse of these moneys or endanger the safety of these funds."

Moreover, Social Security is the "polar opposite of a Ponzi scheme," says the man who quite literally wrote the book about Ponzi's famous scam, Boston University professor Mitchell Zuckoff. The Social Security Administration's historian has a piece on this topic as well.

Unlike the frauds of Ponzi - and, more recently, Bernard Madoff - Social Security does not promise unrealistically large financial returns and does not require unsustainable increases in the number of participants to remain solvent. Instead, for the past 75 years it has provided a foundation that workers can build on for retirement as well as social insurance protection to families whose breadwinner dies and workers who become disabled.

See how simple that is?


Anonymous said...

Everytime I think of Social Security I think of that Idiot White putting out our Social Security Numbers. Done on purpose, OF COURSE:

LuAnn92 said...

Why does everything on this blog regardless of the subject, revert back to hatred of the fire chief or Mehlville fire dept. board? It's very boring and predictable.

Anonymous said...

Poor Judy Krieder got the axe for Chief Whites mistake. Of course this is what happens when you have not experience.

Anonymous said...

Luann nice try keep drinking the koolaid. This group including Chief Dress up. Have spent millions of your tax dollars. While destroying the lives of these Firefighters. Hatered you say. No Comments of true proffesionals is what I say TAX DECREASE no held up in circut court because they didnt write it well enough. raising our taxes 3 years in a row. while still claiming there is a tax decrease. Ill give you my take on you ethier you are part of this silly group. or JS has finaly come out of the closet say hello to usmc 68 for me haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Anonymous said...

LuAnn 92 fined another site Duh.

Anonymous said...

4:33 pm Its because it is the only way some of us can vent and let the truth out on this jerk. Most of the blogs on this site has his name on them and that is why a lot of us will blog with the issues from the great pretend fire chief.

Anonymous said...

LuAnn92 I have no idea what you just said?

Anonymous said...

No matter what they say are do the sign out in front of the new 4 house is a lie there is no tax decrease and they have raised our taxes 3 yrs in a row. Simple they are liars. Straight form the mentors playbook lie until you get caught then claim you were angry. The voters have been BRAINWASHED the only bullies and thugs I see or JS and the BOD Plus Timmy the Little Chief th at can't

Anonymous said...

LuAnn 92
Although I do agree with you, the MFDP should not be mentioned under each and every subject matter, these leaders of the fire district are corrupt. They treat their employees with fear and intimidation. This is unethical, immoral and illegal. It takes blogs like these to educate the public of these things. It must have been the illegal release of employees Social Security numbers that caused them to bring up the leaders of the district this time.

LuAnn 92 said...

This blog is very abusing to women. You people are insane.

SouthCountyMike said...

Oh please LuAnn 92, a couple of peolple doubt your authenticity and disagree with you and you go and drop some kind of sexist card on them. I pretty much agreed with 7:57 but now you're being outright foolish. I know a guy that abuses women. He's known to beat his wife in a drunken rage. If you can't handle the skepticism, move on.

Anonymous said...

Grow Up Luanne 92 no one on here was even close to be abusive to you. You are being foolish and probably lying about your gender and name. Stonebraker uses key words in his rants INSANE, BORING & PREDICTABLE. Is very common vacabulary for Him.

Anonymous said...

You guys are obsessed with Stonebraker. Strange.

Anonymous said...

Federal and State laws make sure that Americans are able to have children without losing their jobs. Discrimination against you because you are pregnant violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Under this law, employers who have at least 15 workers are not allowed to:
o Refuse to hire a woman because of pregnancy
o Fire or force a worker to leave because she is pregnant
o Take away credit for previous years, accrued retirement benefits,
or seniority because of maternity leave
o Fire or refuse to hire a woman because she has an abortion

Anonymous said...

Stonebraker is a true coward that works behind the scenes. This guy is one low life person that likes to ruin lives. Just look at the letter that he sent to Faith Futheran church that will soon get around. I think it can be used in April to show how he and Hilmer thinks about injured service people

Anonymous said...

7:23 Im wondering what busniess would go against Federal and State laws. Like your post very much thanks for the info

Anonymous said...

Saw the letter and was sickend by it. But James has done worse on the whole he is a backstabbing coward. and has no respect from anyone on the rebublican side. I think he is resposable for another letter creeping around town. But hey he may not have done it but he is connected to it.

Anonymous said...

•An employer can't require a pregnant women to submit to special procedures in order to determine whether she can perform her job duties unless the employer requires all employees to submit to those procedures.

Anonymous said...

My friend in Mehlvilles case they are ready have and individual that is already assigned to the ambulance full time that is a firefighter / medic so the young ladie could do the same. So don't try to hold up for the phoney fire chief. Also you should see what other agencies are doing in this situtation. It is proven the Mehlville is not employee or family friendly except if you are the phoney chief's friend. Before you comment know what the hell you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

What is all the law quotes for.....

Anonymous said...

He Stonebraker is your band member still ripping off the fire district. I heard he was making a killing.

Anonymous said...

You don't think the band member would have something to do with Ambulance billing or medicare. Believe me he is envolved:

Anonymous said...

You know Stonebraker would have his finger prints on something.

Anonymous said...

I just found out that the chief of Mehlville Fire Department has just suspended a female employee for being pregnant!
Is this person insane?
Somebody tell me this is false.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking of a Timbo White quote-
"There will be no more politicaly motivated promotions at Mehlville."
That is funny!

Anonymous said...

Well the biggest political promotion was White himself. Let see 1. He flunked the Captains test for how many times. 2. He never attended a course at the National Fire Academy and probably never will. 3. He has never attended a command or leadership class and probably never will. But lets see what this goof ball has done since becoming Chief. 1. Got his head so far up Stonebrakers ass that a tow truck could not get it out. 2. Has made enemies with every fire chief in South County. 3. Has treated the firefighters and other employees like dirt. 4. Has tried to kill the baby of one of the firefighters by making her do the fit for duty or get fired. 5. Has put PR. for the District in the trash can. Just look at the injured Marine that he refuesed to take part in the benefit event. 6. And the most stupid thing was releasing the social securty numbers of the employees and then blaming Judy Krieder and asking her te resign. This guy is one IDIOT that has no more business being fire chief then a 10 year old cub scout:

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Timmy has a fake tan? Of course he is all FAKE including being a fake fire chief.

Anonymous said...

YEA for Capt Floyed! Its a good thig he didnt steal air.

Anonymous said...

Master of the gym tan the orange chief. that sounds like something from jersey shore. They have the situation now they can add Timmy the failure, to the cast. This idiot needs a mental exam.

Anonymous said...

I am not in any way connected to the firefighters of Mehlville but my question is. is chief White for real or is he a pretend fire chief:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He just likes to play dress up just like the truth detector likes to dress up as a board member.

Anonymous said...

He is an insult to the badge and position.

Anonymous said...

Who is in charge of MFPD Is it Aaron no. Is it Timmy no. Its Stonebraker we have been hoodwinked by a sociopath and he is laughing at the tax payers. How can you demote one of the most qualified chiefs probably in the state. To Captain and promote a unqualified. Person to chief he failed the captains exam twice never took the deputy chief exam and is not a fire medic. Yet rumor has it that Chiefs White, Hendricks, and Lafatta, just received 500 a month raises to cover time not at work. Thats 39.000 dollars a year of wasted tax dollars. Please say this isnt true. why just those 3 neither are qualified to be where they ar at. I smell Hoodwink and hush money.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard the rumor that the Mehlville Board has been shopping for a new Chief. Apparently Timmy has told one to many lies and the board is tired of his embarrassing the district and several inquires to metro area chiefs have been made. They all seem to recommend the same person. If that is true then Timmy should take the hint and step down before he is fired.

Anonymous said...

If Timmy Steps down The whole Board should step down they created this monster he is a product of thier failure, to be responsable leaders. Quote Aaron Hilmer I believe Tim White Unerstands our vision and will promote Mehlville to be a premere fire district. Now here is the funny thing. 2 of the most Sr Chiefs in the district refused to promote Timmy to captain because they didnt feel he was responsable nor knowlegable enough to handle the posistion. Now one of those Chiefs was demoted to captain and the other was smart enough to retire. These decsions were made by the BOD and only the BOD. Now Timmy while your reading this Know one thing. You Brought this on yourself you sold your soul when you became a Puppet of Stonebrakers. How dare you except the knife from a person of his insane bravado, and stick it in the backs of these fine Firefighters to promote your own advancement. You Timmy have no credibility with anyone in fire service Step down and except your failure.

Anonymous said...

I was told by an Affton firefighter that they would help pack his bags.

Anonymous said...

Someone better tell Chief Tan face White where the Mehlvillle Fire District boundaries are. The other night They had a fire in a service station / convience store and got on the scene and set up command when it was Lemays fire. I was one of the firefighters one the scene and you could not believe the radio talk that Whitey and his chiefs were doing. It sounded like a three ring circus. By the way when Lemay informed White that it was there call everything started to be done by experience individuals and by the way Lemay did put out the fire. The guys from Mehlville did good but don't ask how the inexperience Chief's did.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that the training officer will hold the door so it doesn’t hit timmy in the ass. But then again why wouldn’t he since he has been promised, according to the rumors, to be Hendricks assistant chief after they get rid of timmy.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to MFPD Musical chiefs and the worst moral taxes can buy.

Anonymous said...

7:01: Rumors are all that you hear. Tim White isn't going anywhere. He has the full confidence of Mr. Hilmer and the board.

Anonymous said...

I know what Cief Bumble head is getting for Christmas. A GPS With a big red line showing where Mehlville stops and Lemay Begins. What a premier fire districet Fire fighters paper bags please you have the right to cover your heads after this act of stupidity. Way to go Timmy. Lemays Chief is still laughing.

Anonymous said...

I know what Cief Bumble head is getting for Christmas. A GPS With a big red line showing where Mehlville stops and Lemay Begins. What a premier fire districet Fire fighters paper bags please you have the right to cover your heads after this act of stupidity. Way to go Timmy. Lemays Chief is still laughing.

Anonymous said...

To have the Mehlville Fire Board confidence is like having Hitlers confidence. THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND AND THEN YOU HAVE STONEBRAKER THAT COULDN'T LEAD HORSE TO WATER:

Anonymous said...

Not only does White know where hes going but he don't know what to do after he gets there: LOL He is dumb as his old man.

Anonymous said...

I put White in the same Shoes as the North East Chief that just resigned. I do think she was smarter and did not lie as much as the IDIOT chief from Mehlville. White do the right thing and resign before you get someone killed.

Anonymous said...

4:43 White Is an Idiot and so are you. He talks to Stonebraker. More then Hilmer and whoever said Hilmer was smart.

Anonymous said...

Well Chief Tan Face is back at it again. I seen in the Call News where the food drive is being held again and this time if you want a photo with Santa you better bring your own camarea. The District under Chief Tan face is to cheap to provide photos with Santa. Bring your food and of course the appreciation is take your own picture of your kids sith Santa. What a bunch of cheap skates. Lower the fire chiefs salary and just maybe you can give back to the community what the good citizens deserve.

Anonymous said...

Your right he cut out the pictures to save money to pay for the fat raise he and his stooge chief officers are now getting. Yep now they are being paid to sit, play video games and sleep at home at night. What a sad lying hypocrite he is. Good job BOD you are making the people who voted for you proud. NOT

Anonymous said...

The BOD gives NOTHING to the citizens of it's district but lies, lies and lies.
New firehouses with no new taxes=lie.
No more smoke detector program.
No more public relations.
No transparency.
No childhood fire prevention Education.
No decent benefits for the employees.

The Only people who benefit are friends of Himer and Stonebreaker.
Leara, Lembke, Hoffman Group (aka USI Insurance. Anyone else I miss?

Anonymous said...

White doesn't want to pay out overtime for Pr events, however he and other eight hour chief's get paid to sit on there skinny butts while at home because they are on call. This is over and beyond the regular pay checks. I thought that was a part of chief officer responsibilities. OH I FORGOT THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT REAL CHIEFS ONLY PRETEND:

Anonymous said...

Hey White there is nothing premier. about you or this district the only thing saving your ASS right now is the skill of the Sr Firefighters. It wasnt the union complaing about the air tanks for affton it was you, you cowardly idiot. Your little temper tantrum was witnessed. so dont try and Lie your way out of it you are a complete fool White. You are as plastic as they come you are a PHONY and a FRAUD. And anybody who supports you is a bigger idiot then you. Understand Truth detedctor im talking to you. your just a phony christian and a uber liar, coward and dispicable waste of humanbeing. Im calling both of you out. Cowards thats all you are.

Anonymous said...

12:58 you missed his neighbor, the architect of the new firehouses.

Anonymous said...

I was told by one of our firefighters Whitey was just mabybe 5 minutes at Santa Saturday. Where was our phony chief at the Dream Factory for terminal kids at the South County Mall in wonderful downtown Mehlville. White of all the Chief's should have been there for the community and KIDS.

Anonymous said...

White quit trying to blame the Union for your idiot actions and mental disabilities. We all know you did it and some of us heard your remarks. 1:32 pm was right you are a damn coward. By the way Chief Fritz did not believe a thing you told him:

Anonymous said...

Quoted form The Oakville Call-

Brandon Harp of Civil Engineering and Design Consultants, representing the MFPD, told commissioners there is an "immediate" need for the new facility.

"The existing site and building is dilapidated," Harp said. "It's falling over. It's not big enough."

If this building is falling down then WHY isn't it being condemned by the County?
Is this another lie by the BOD and there hired croneys?

Anonymous said...

Well Timmy you have done it again. First you fire your comptroller for your mistake with the social security numbers and now after you make an ass out yourself with the Affton fire department for refilling their air tanks, which they had permission to do, you are threatening to fire someone over your stupidity. Do not ever call yourself a leader or a Christian. Please read up on paranoid schizophrenia, it may help you.

Anonymous said...

Everybody take a moment and read how Great Chief White is for MFPD!
What a Tool!
Tool Of the BOD and Stoney!

The Call has no integrety!