Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mehlville Fire Department Tax Decrease Shell Game

As sent in by a reader:
In the latest issue of the Call, there is an article about the MFPD and the MO Attorney General signing off on "stipulation of facts" document. Mike, I really hope you can get your hands on a copy and post it in full and comment on it.
A couple of things that caught my attention. Regarding the ballot language of the "historic tax decrease": "But the agreement also notes Missouri statute 321.244 sets forth "the required form of the ballot language for increasing — or decreasing — the general levy for fire protection districts. By adding the last two sentences to the form of ballot, neither Proposition 1 nor 2 followed the ballot form set out in Section 321.244 RSMo.''"
Hmmmm, was the ballot language illegal??? Next comment: "The agreement also states, "If Mehlville's certified rate is calculated disregarding the ballot
language as worded, the certified rate would exceed the levy rate used to calculate tax bills for 2009.''"
Now I'm no attorney, but to me these two quotes are saying this: The ballot language was illegal, therefore the decrease is declared void. MFPD can collect the higher tax rate because the ceiling was never reduced due to illegal language.
Wouldn't this mean that no Hilmer, you did NOT pass the first tax decrease????


Anonymous said...

Section 321.244 clearly gives ballot language that should be used. Here is the excerpt from it:
"Shall the board of directors of the ........... Fire Protection District be authorized to increase the rate of levy for ....................... (Insert purpose of which tax is levied) from.... cents to ....... cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation?

______ Yes
______ No

Previously a judge ruled that the ballot language was is the quote from the Call in 2008:
"But Hemphill disagreed, writing, "The critical test for the sufficiency of a ballot measure is 'whether the language fairly and impartially summarizes the purposes of the measure so the voters will not be deceived or misled' ... None of the provisions of 321.244.1, RSMo. mandate specific language for the type of ballot measures at issue here. The court has reviewed the language of the propositions and finds them to be in substantial compliance with the ballot form set out in section 321.244.1, RSMo."
Well, either the judge was wrong or the attorney general was wrong, but my eyes tell me that 321.244 DOES mandate the ballot language used for these measures (just change the "increase" to "decrease"). The specific amounts of the new ceilings should have been given in the ballot language.....which would prevent the MFPD directors from raising the levy, like they have in the last 2 years, which already puts them higher than the proposed new ceiling. Did Hilmer know that the language wouldn't work and know that the tax decrease really was just something voters THOUGHT they approved and now that's why the levy can be raised? What is the real levy ceiling for MFPD?

Anonymous said...

If the citizens really knew what the Fire Board was doing to screw them, they would have a change of heart on how most of them would cast there vote. Remember once the Ambulance tax is gone the next thing that will go will be the ambulances. Who is Hilmer trying to fool?

Anonymous said...

You Can't believe a thing these idiots say or print. There goal is to hurt individuals including the citizens of the Fire District.

Anonymous said...

Mike Klund wants to get rid of the ambulance fees. How will the district replace two million dollars a year? I am surprised that the union supports that.

Anonymous said...

Now Chief bobble head is going after Captain Kevin Ries. A little bird said Captain Ries said his piece to an Assistant Chief and now bobble head is sinking his position for Deputy Chief. The Mehlville Fire District board and administration does have something in common with Adolph Hitler.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was reading the St. Louis today and seen where Cathy Enz gave to Aaron Hilmers campaign. It might be noted that Cathy Enz is the lobiest for the Mehlville Fire District. Do you think that she would like to keep her job? Some more Republician friend ships.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to tell the Call that if all of Hilmers friends such as Lera and Emz who benefited from the Fire District is ok to give money to him. It should be alright for the Firefighters to give money to Klund. END OF STORY

Anonymous said...

Question? Does Aaron Hilmer still have a girl friend besides his wife?

Anonymous said...

Did you notice that the Hotline does NOT contain any publisher / editor names or information normally required by a publication? pg4 "The Hotline sat down with Board of Directors Chairman Aaron Hilmer....." pg 4 "The Hotline recently asked Board Secretary Ed Ryan ....." Who is the Hotline??? Also there is no list of ALL the candidates running for the Board of Directors

Anonymous said...

509 If Hilmer stop build new engine houses,it would be great start. The newest engine house cost around 2.5 million. There your ambulance money.

Anonymous said...

All of you voters in South County please vote for MIKE KLUND. Someone needs to clean up the mess Hilmer did to the once GREAT Fire District.

Anonymous said...

Here's another website, you may want to take a look at:

Anonymous said...

I wonder how long it will be before the fire board gets there heads out of there A-- and see how Time White is incompentant? All they have to do is ask any borderong fire chief and they will get an ear ful. Of course the board will listen to a dope head like Stonebraker before other professionals that have a clean reocrd and aren't floating around.

Anonymous said...

8:55 Where have you been the last six years?
They don't CARE whether White is competent, they care whether he is obedient.
They don't care whether the department functions well, they care about driving out every decently paid, experienced employee in favor of cheap replacements. They have quite consciously made the decision to let the blind lead the blind by ditching experience.
They don't care what neighboring fire services think of Mehlville.
They don't have to care about anything because the residents of this district are happily ignorant of the consequences of their votes or the apathy of those who don't vote. Residents don't know what they are looking at as far as department services are concerned. They call 911 and somebody shows up; they're happy. They can't tell if responders know what they're doing or not. They believe the crap printed in the CAll because it arrives free in their mailboxes and they don't have to strain to educate themselves. Lives have been lost and property has been needlessly destroyed, but nobody knows. And both the BOD and residents like it that way.

Anonymous said...

Seen the Call today, Hilmer lied and the idiots at the Call believed every word.

Anonymous said...

I have had a lot of citizens ask me for Tim Whites phone number. It is public record and it is 314-565-1700. If you need his salarie and benefits just make a request for it. It is also public record. All of you will see how he is ripping off the tax payers of the fire district. It might be noted that while sitting at home he gets paid extra because of being on call. This is part of the other quailified chiefs job responsibility. I have a direct in on all of this information from one of the fireighters.

Anonymous said...

It is my recommendation to the home owners that have property in the Mehlville Fire District to purchase more fire insurance for your property. With inexperience chiefs and 60% turnover of experience firefighters and paramedics you are going to have more property damage when a fire does occure on your property. Since Chief Time White has been put in charge there already has been fire loss after the Fire department has arrived on the scene that should not have been. I can count at least 6 structures that should not have received a total loss but this has occured from poor fire suppression by the fire department and its top officers commanding. When crews arrive today don't count on good firefighting activities so you better up your fire insureance.

Anonymous said...

I heard one of the Mehlville fire district’s captains just had a massive stroke, because of the treatment and stress he has been receiving from the fire chief. Is this true???

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that the Chief and Board believes in the same god as the rest of us believe in. You can't be as inhuman as those individuals and be a true christian. A true christian will not hurt others and there families from lies from there bosses at the top. Shame on you people for being god and good employee haters:

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell is the Mehlville Community Taxpayers Association? Sound like a bunch of commy's to me:

Anonymous said...

12:06: FYI, Capt. Wehrman had an aneurism not a stroke. Nice try.

Anonymous said...

12:06 Yes it is true. The captain that had a medical problem was demoted to firefighter for no reason by the gutless chief. If anyone at Mehlville that should be fired it is Tim White. He was the laziest and most undedicated firefighter in Mehlville. This guy is a joke that was political appointment for being a snitch to the board.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just wondering if it is true that Hilmer is living in the basement of his parents home? I wonder where is girl friend is living?

Anonymous said...

5:14am. I thought a brain aneurism was something serious. I wonder why he was in the ICU so long, if it's not that bad?

Anonymous said...

I get the hint that some of you don't like Chief White.

Spot Of Truth said...

The investigation of Rich Franz is on!

Anonymous said...

4:57 Like or not like him is not the point. He's unqualified and a danger to community and personnel in command of a fire scene.
White spent 25 years happily languishing as a private; playing video games, holding prayer meetings and contentedly underachieving; coasting.
Then, he publicly allies himself with Hilmer against his union brothers and sisters.
Hilmer promotes him to captain as a reward despite his lack of qualifications for the job. Hilmer does this at the same time he is loudly proclaiming that anyone who is not a fire-medic is UNEMPLOYABLE...Hilmer's exact word.
After four lousy months as captain (at a rate of 10 workdays per month, that's only 40 damn duty shifts), Hilmer makes the idiot chief of the damn department. Yep, the guy who is "unemployable" elsewhere according to Hilmer is somehow fit to run the department.
You tell us how this makes any sense.
Department personnel have nothing but contempt for the clown and fear that he will get somebody killed.
White's incompetence and the shameless promotion of equally unqualified people to senior positions has already resulted in higher fire losses and a scary list of paramedic screw-ups which have endangered patients and lessened their chances of healthful recovery.
The community knows NOTHING about any of this.

Anonymous said...

To those who wonder - a stroke typically comes in one of two flavors: a thrombotic stroke or a hemorrhagic stoke. The thrombotic stroke is the sudden clogging of a brain artery through plaque or a clot which travels to a narrowed site in the system. The hemorrhagic stroke is a sudden break in the arterial wall that allows bleeding in the brain (ie. an aneurysm). Either is very damaging with the thrombotic stroke easier to treat if caught in time. The firefighter in question is a very sick individual and it is indeed a grave event.

Anonymous said...

So White is being demoted to Administrative Chief and Hendricks is being promoted toe Chief of operations. Cold hearted White should have been terminated like he has done to others. All of us knew that Hendricks was in line for the top job, he is a better person that is more quailified then Chief Crazy bones. I wonder if both Chiefs are going to get high salaries and big benefits this could be an interesting story for Elliot Davis. Come on two Chiefs the City of St. Louis and Kansas City don't have two chiefs and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

Anonymous said...

The demotion of Tim White is way over-do.

Anonymous said...

White gets demoted I wonder if Hendricks will also call Stonebraker 4 times a day to be told what to do. Until Holmes and Stonebraker are truly questioned for the.infractions and unfair treatment of all employees under whites supervision I see no hope for this fire district

Informed voter said...

Go on Taxpayers Give it a SPIN Round an around It goes who is Chief Nobody knows Rumor has it we have 2 head Chiefs again. I just wanna know who gets the keys to that beautiful explorer in the basement of 5 House. What a shae the voters put an Idiot in charge for another 6 yrs He is going to fleece this district bare And Stonebraker is helping you people dont you get it you voted for a idiot along with Timmy and Stonebraker we are so screwed. But Im looking forward to see who the real chief is.

Anonymous said...

I see that they made two new Deputy Chief's in Mehlville. One was good the other got it by coming in on a fellow Deputy so he could get promoted. I believe you call that a RAT.

Anonymous said...

We all know what went on in the closed session because we were informed of the conversation. My question why there was no votes taken? Are was all of this discussed by the board members and the Chief somewhere else and the ok was given at that time for the changes with White and Hendricks. You people must think were aren't going to find out what you are doing behind the scenes. THANK AGAIN:

Anonymous said...

How many sunshine laws were broken over White's demotion?

Anonymous said...

Hendricks has no qualifications either! Just another political schmoe!

Anonymous said...

About as many as thw ones broken for Chief Schmidts resignation. As long as Hilmer owns the Call and guys like Stonebraker are allowed to lie and deceivethw public we will neverknow the truth

Anonymous said...

All of us at Affton are cheering for Chief Hendricks:

Anonymous said...

I'm SURE Affton (and Crestwood and Fenton and Rock and anybody else within mutual response range) IS cheering for Hendricks. He's not qualified either, but at least he knows it and is trying his best. White is a hysterical clown and should not be supervising anyone under any conditions. Needs a keeper. And a leash.

Tired of the LIES said...

The only reason Hendricks is Chief Is because white removed anyone with more Experiance then himself, I want to see what Hendricks brings to the table besides growing up with Hilmer and that fantastic Land deal. Show Me Brian if your willing to stand up for your men againts Hilmer and Stonebraker. Also If your not willing to do this go get a Job in Affton if they really do want you. which I think is Bullshit.

Anonymous said...

I am with Lemay and we don't want either White or Hendricks:

Anonymous said...

Please White quite your lying and stop calling Mehlville a Top Shelf Fire Department when we all know that it is not.

informed voter said...

Really the MCTA is as phony as its main contributor. That Jimmy I can't lie fast enough Stonebraker Frank and Stoned are mental migets. Didn't the founder of this so called lying blog serve on the Luthern south BOE. This group disgust me as a republican I was hoping for more of a legitimate group but anyone who allows a low life person like Jim Stonebraker their blog has to be the most idiotic group I've ever seen. Hey Frank now that I see Stonebraker is your buddy I bet you were one dirty cop. Guilty by association you moron.

Anonymous said...

The Call what a wuss of a paper. Yhey sit there and keep saying how much Klund Spent. What about how much the incumbent spent in cluding Hotlies and other half assed attempts. Timmy is a Fool Stonebraker is a fool MCTA bunch off dress wearing wusses who lied to all the taxpayers

Anonymous said...

Question of the day? Who is Hilmer sleeping with this month?

Anonymous said...

GOOD NEWS: Costco is now selling Orick vacumes. Everyone should go there rather then buying them from the phony Jim Stonebraker. I was in Costco this week and was over joyed when I seen that they were going to give stonebraker a fight for his job.

Please tell everyone that you know about this. EMAIL, FACEBOOK AND TELL FRIENDS:

SouthCountyMike said...

I won't be buying an Orick from Mr. Stonebraker,Cosco or anywhere else. I don't like the company, who they hire or where they advertise.

Anonymous said...

You know what Stonebraker and vacumes have in common? Both have dirty bags and pick up SH-T.

Anonymous said...

Mike I agree the Orick is nothing but a piece of junk. I owned two of them and had nothing but problems and they don't stand behind there product. I think they should be banned from the US.

Anonymous said...

I have been talking to many Republicans in the South County Area and they think Stonebraker is a joke and would not support him for dog catcher.

Anonymous said...

6:42 pm Phony Stoney is not quailified to be a Dog Catcher. LOL

Kickass Johnson said...

MCTA is as phony as Stonbraker they wont post anything that questions them. What a group of asshats Big Al 101 is the biggest fake of them all. They refuse to tell us why they need a $300.00 an hr labor lawyer. Are who provided the leak ro them about Joe Schmidt the only leak I see is what little Timmy tell Stonebraker. This group is out of.control Mr Meyer you should.hqve nwver let Stonebraker in your camp you will be crushed just like him.

Bryan Andrews said...

To the Owners of the Call Newspaper. Ive had it with your blatent onesided reporting for Aaron Hilmer and Your Joint effort with Him to Destroy Local 1889. Shame on you for the editorial in this weeks call thats was lower then low and I will never ever allow that rag of a paper to enter my house nor will I use any of the compainies that advertise in the call.

SouthCountyMike said...

As I've said many times before, ever since I wrote to the Call, using certified mail, returned receipt, and requested to have my address removed from their mailing list, I've never been happier. As to their advertisers, I don't know who they are.

kickass Johnson said...

Mike on the Phony MCTA Blog someone named BigAl101 Defended them And Talked shit about Russ Bono. What a coward And yes the Call is a crap paper Mr Andrews. Im looking forward to meting BigAl. Im sure he just some skirt wearing purse swinging candy ass.

Anonymous said...

I truly think that the MCTA is a bunch commies that don't like American people:

Anonymous said...

Hilmer is a huge Philanthropist!
He sends huge amounts of money from the MFPD to his political allies/high School Buddies.
Ask Leara or Cathy Enz, How much does Stonebreaker get?
Is his Architect Neighbor still getting payouts?
I hear Ed Ryan had a bunch of lanscaping done at his house by the same guy who did the work at 2 and 1 house. Hmmmmmm. Kick back?????

Kickass Johnson said...

What does Aaron H and Arnold S have in commen? You ready they both screwed the help.

Kickass Johnson said...

The MCTA should change to the MBSA Mehlville Bullshit Association. Because that's all I read on that joke of a blog. The owners must be a bunch of lowlife dimwits.

Anonymous said...

What is this I hear that one of Whites great chief's left a lady unaccounted for in an apartment fire. WOW this is what happens when you have with inexperience officers running the fire scene. It won't be long before someone gets killed under Whites watch.

Anonymous said...

I was on that call and what a joke. Our crews did not even check out any other rooma are apartments to see if there was any other victims. Our Chief's don't have a clue what is going on.

Kickass Johnson said...

This wouldnt have happened on Joe Schmidts watch. It was probably that 2 faced retard Riese. That left this woman behind I hope the family sues. your asses . You wont see this on the Bullshit blog what do you say Big Al fanny bandit!!!

Anonymous said...

It is hard to blame individuals that have never been trained for being a Chief officer. The real blame falls on White and the board. By the way White has never had any training of being a Chief officer so how would he know how to recognize those for the promotions.

Anonymous said...

This would not have happen to Schmidt, Hampton or Waser. All of these X DEPUTIES had the experience and knowledge to get the job done properly and with safety concerns for the firefighters. I can't say that for the group that is in there now.

Anonymous said...

Hey I have been watching TV and seen all the rescues and hard work that our firefighters from the St. Louis Area have been doing in Joplin. I have not seen either Stonebraker or Hilmer there and probably the so called crap paper the Call won't print anything on these hard working heros from Local 2665 and Local 1889. Don't let these bastards get you down all of them are lowlifes and could care less about human lives.

Anonymous said...

Stonebraker made a comment how much local 1889 took from the funds from the Corp. Nicely benefit. My question how much as Stonebraker is getting from Mehlville for giving White instructions and how much has his band membeer fleacing off of Mehlville. OH another question how much is Hilmer paying for lobbying, news letters, political websites and special attornies to get his ass out of trouble. Stonebraker don't every tell us how much 1889 is making when you IDIOTS are raping the citizens of Mehlville:

Anonymous said...

I sure hope everyone read the Call and seen where little Chief White bimbo is in a heap of trouble for the way he treted two of his employees. I hope that Tina and Kenny take this asshole to the cleaners.

Anonymous said...

Jusr read the 'Rag'- ie- The Call Newspaper.

Two 1 Million Dollar Lawsuits against the district and jury trials at that!

Mission Accomplished! Nice going White!

Hilmer speaks like he is in no fault as usual!They should go afetr the BOD as well. Bonnie- as a women who has had children, you are a disgrace.

Kickass Johnson said...

Hilmer want to be on the school board what a sham.

Anonymous said...

The teachers will eat Hilmer up. He doesn't have a chance of getting on the school board.

Anonymous said...

If you want Hilmer you don't want morals on the school board. Anyone that plays around on his wife should not be around our kids:

Kickass Johnson said...

Better yet anyone who listens to Stonebraker should not be allowed around our kids. This guys a clown for FYI MFPD doesn't have any no fault insurance this law suit is going to cost big money.

Anonymous said...

This really cracks me up. Between Hilmer and Stonebraker you would have drugs and love making in the the Mehlville School District. Two IDIOTS trying to make a difference.

Anonymous said...

Why did it take several fire chief's from other fire departments to finally convince Hilmer that White was totally incompatent of commanding fire scenes. If they would have looked at his back ground before moving him up to chief the board would have realized he was in no way the person for that job.

Anonymous said...

Oh, for God's sake stop asking why Hilmer does anything. The answer is always the same: the advancement of his political agenda.
White was promoted because he publicly separated from the union and licked Hilmer's boots. Qualifications were NOT of concern to Hilmer. White remained in the position until his glaring incompetence became an embarrassment and political liability to Hilmer. Now, White is on his way out, but his replacement, Brian Hendricks, is no better qualified than White. Hendricks is merely NOT the vicious, unprincipled prick that White is. Hendricks is also not patently stupid. He can learn, albeit it on the community's dime and with expected casualties while he navigates the learning curve.

Anonymous said...

Where is there news about this change in leadership? Is White still the chief, but with a new assistant? How do all of you know this information?

Anonymous said...

I seen a memo that went out to the employees also it is my understanding that Hendricks is the Chief of Operations not an Assistant Chief. And you the taxpayers are paying for all of this crap.
White should have been FIRED.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the chief is an idiot, but he is only doing what he thinks is expected of him. He doesn’t know yet, what he is doing is wrong. The only thing that makes him an idiot is he believes he can do no wrong. That’s what idiots do! Idiots strike not thinking anything will strike back. Now, what’s going to happen to him?

Anonymous said...

Payless shoe stores are hiring...oh wait he'd have to work....never mind.

Anonymous said...

Ding dong the witch is dead the mean old witch the wicked witch....Karma is a bitch and she always wins!

Anonymous said...

Well I wonder how phoney Stoney feels know that his boy Tan Face White got the axe. Stonebraker White has you to blame for your crappy leadership in telling him what to do.


Nothing from the MCTA or Stonebraker on this Tim White thingy wow its amazing Timmy I told you that Stoney wouldst never back you up. Come on Timmy don't go down without a fight. These morons used you. So did those jumps from the call Anthony and theu village drunk. How are they going to spin this
in Aaron favor.

Anonymous said...

The TRUTH is White never was or ever will be Chief matirial. He is nothing more then a loser he was given the chance to be a stand up leader and pissed it away by listening to Jim Stonebraker. Lying to the BOD on more then one occasion. Firing or demoting a top notch assistant chief and a well qualified deputy chiefs. Or forcing them to step down. With phony letters of agreement constant harassment to the stress alone almost killed a former Capt who was demoted without cause. From day one White starts his bullshit. Under the approval of the.BOD and the advice of former Lemay Fire protection District, member of ethe Lemay Republican Party. Jim that dope I've been sued for lying by everyone Stonebraker. Besides the pending discrimination law suite, and a text messege that may have stated who is standing in the way of his pipe dream of being a premier Fire District. We must remember what Aaron said in the Call when he promoted this unqualified skid mark to Chief quote" Tim White shares the same view as the BOD on what a premier Fire District Mehlvllle can be" . Timmy never I repeat never did anything with out Aaron or Stones knowledge

Anonymous said...

So is White no longer the chief? Where is this news everyone is writing about?

Anonymous said...

Why is Timmy's picture still on Mehlville's website...oops!

Anonymous said...

I hope the IDIOT White realizes that Stonebraker brought him down. Chief Hendricks Don't let that pervert bring you down.

Anonymous said...

Psst.....two new upcoming's gonna get expensive!
Get rid of him we can't afford this stuff!
Different direction??? Yeah sure blah blah blah. Pinhead is a textbook case of the "Peter Principle" promoted beyond level of competence.

Anonymous said...

well, it's done. Tim White has officially resigned, and it was approved on Wednesday. Hmm, the Call mentions that White had a different vision for the future than the current board. Maybe because White's vision included lawsuits, forced medical leaves, and people dying in apartments. Too bad Hilmer, you are still responsible for anything that happened under his watch even if he resigned. What a great long run he had as chief!!!

Anonymous said...

So it is my understanding that Tan Face White will now be selling vacumes with phoney Stoney?

Anonymous said...

My question is this blog site shut down?

Anonymous said...

Well Mike, here it is, and the wording is very tricky. The case regarding the tax rate has been settled. If anyone is interested, you can see it on (it is case number 10SL-CC00741). The judgement states that "the district's proposed levy for 2009 did not violate state law." There is also a stipulation of facts filed (MIKE, anyway you can get copies of these since the case involved public entities???).
Here are quotes from the article in the Call, who apparently have copies of everything.
"At issue was the board's decision in August 2009 to set the district's tax rate at 59.3 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, an amount it contended was the legal maximum it could levy as a result of the passage in April 2009 of two propositions reducing Mehlville's tax-rate ceiling by 40 cents."
"The judgment states, "On April 7, 2009, district voters approved two ballot measures which purported to avoid the effect of tax rate reductions required by Section 137.073.5 in reassessment years and voluntarily reduced its levies based on no reassessment rollback.

"Political subdivisions are required to apply state law as expressed in Section 137.073,'' the judgment states. "In attempting to calculate the proper rate, the auditor utilized the voluntary rollback reductions but disregarded the ballot's italicized language which would not subject the calculation to any rollback based on the 2008 reassessment"

Here's one mystery line: "Political subdivisions do not have the legal authority to apply rollbacks in a year when reassessment is done,'' according to the judgment"
Next mystery line: "If the district's general and pension levy is calculated without the voluntary levy rollbacks and applying the rollback provisions of 137.037.5, the district's proposed tax levy for general and pension purposes did not exceed its tax rate ceiling. Therefore, judgment is entered declaring that the district's propose levy for 2009 did not violate state law. Each party is to bear their own costs,'' the judgment states."
Once again, does this mean that we disregarded the voter approved tax rate reduction? That it basically did not happen???
Last mystery line: "The blended tax rate of 67.1 cents per $100 is 7.8 cents more than the previous tax rate of 59.3 cents per $100. The 2010 tax rate is the maximum that can be levied by the district"
Huh??? Didn't they just say that the 59.3 cents was the legal maximum the district could levy? Now 67.1 cents is the legal maximum? How does that work? My guess is because the voter approved rate reduction was not legal and therefore did not occur.
Mike, I would love for you to use any resources you have to examine this further. Getting a copy of the stipulation of facts would be great, especially since taxpayers are the ones paying the legal bills

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a bunch of criers and moaners then on the Mehlville Community Taxpayers blog site. This is what happens when you get a bunch of phony Republicans in one room.

Anonymous said...

This site (Mehlville Community Taxpayers Assoc.) I nothing but Union, teacher, firefighters and other public service heaters. It is funny but the main guy that blogs and comments is a know drug head that plays in a band. Please to refer to all of these Idiots as Republicans.

Anonymous said...

I guess Hilmer is now going after the teachers pension. I would hope all of our educators would rebel against such an idiot. He wrecked a lot of lives on our fire department now he is going after our kids teachers. SHAME ON HIM.

Anonymous said...

Mike I wish this blog site would come back. I thought it was great that individuals could speak there piece to let Hilmer, Stonebraker and the rest of the South County rebals aware would some of us post what they are doing and our dislikes. I have always respected you and your site.

Anonymous said...

Mike just try and bring this site back you are well respected