Saturday, March 5, 2011

Senator Lembke Calls Missouri's Unemployed Freeloaders

By now, most people have read reports of our State Senator Jim Lembke referring to the unemployed as freeloaders and lazy asses.He has blocked passage of a bill to get millions of federal dollars just for the sake of cruelty. To top it off, this action won't save any money as it will just flow to other states. Lembke lives in his own little world. I ask you Jim, with veterans returning to civilian life facing even higher levels of unemployment, are they lazy asses.

Veteran Unemployment

December 28th, 2010

By Lynn Goya

I just watched White Christmas last night. I’d forgotten that the plot was about a World War II military hero facing bankruptcy. Veterans know that those well-touted military skills perfected while in service often don’t translate to civilian jobs. As a November NY Times article notes, unemployment rates are higher for recent veterans than for the general population. With the general unemployment rate the third highest since WWII, veterans are finding it extremely difficult to land on their feet.

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America summarizes a recent committee hearing on unemployment among vets to the House Veterans Affairs committee where veteran Tim Embree testified that,

“civilian employers who do not understand the value of [veterans’] skills and military experience. As a result, unemployment rates for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans are staggering. Additionally, the National Guardsmen and Reservists who leave behind their civilian lives to serve alongside active-duty troops, are inadequately protected against job discrimination. The experience of previous generations of veterans who faced similar situations suggest that today’s veterans may continue to struggle for years to come.”

The government and some private employers are trying to help. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provided funds for a two-year tax credit for employers who hired unemployed Iraq or Afghanistan vets. Hiring a disabled veteran gives the company a credit worth up to $4,800. The Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) helped over 850,000 vets through grants to state and local agencies. In addition, in November 2009, the Obama administration issued and executive order that enhanced employment opportunities within the federal government.

Still, that isn’t enough. Veterans who are unemployed can seek employment help through various – perhaps too many – veteran-specific agencies geared specifically to help veterans make the transition into the civilian job force. IAVA advocates the Veterans Administration coordinate and vet job creation organizations so that veterans can turn to a single jobs-for-veterans portal. If you are a vet looking for work the VA is the best place to start.

Here are some others: Warrior; Vet Jobs; Military; and Veterans Green Jobs.


Anonymous said...

Is this the same law maker that tells individuals that runs red lights to through the ticket away. He is a real example to our kids. And of course he is a red light runner that is trying to get away with it. This guy is a joke and is a disgrace to anyone that is making laws in our fine country.
He is not a friend of the working person or individuals that fight for this country and returns home.

SouthCountyMike said...

Thanks for bring up Lembke's opposition to the red light cameras.
It's a fact that red light cameras reduce deaths at intersections by 25%. That's from the insurance industry's survey which has a vested interest in saving money. As to his opposition that the camera doesn't show exactly who was driving the car that's cited, I say so what! When you get a parking ticket, there's no proof the owner was illegally parking the car, but he/she pays! And if Lembke isn't guilty and it was one of his kids, then he needs to act like a responsible father/citizen and have the kid pay the ticket.

SouthCountyMike said...

For those of you that want to follow the red light case at home, visit Missouri Case Net:
LEMBKE, JAMES W 1122-CR00921 Defendant CITY OF ST LOUIS V JAMES W LEMBKE Criminal/Infract.-see Charges 02/25/2011
ST LOUIS, MO Circuit 22 The City of St. Louis City of St. Louis

Anonymous said...

Guess who is aaron hilmers attorney for his latest traffic ticket, yeap you guessed it matt hoffman. Wonder what this is costing the taxpayers of the MFPD?

Anonymous said...

Lembke continues his battle against this unemployment funding down to the last wire.


Anonymous said...

After watching Fox 2 this evening and seen the interview with this clown I wonder why the hell we ever elected him in South County. This guy could care less about individuals that are out of work. If this bum was out of work I wonder how he would feel about his comments. This guy is a poor excuse for a Senator and human being.

Anonymous said...

I put Lembke in the same class as Aaron Hilmer. Both clowns: