Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mehlville Fire Dept. Pettiness

I received the following e-mail earlier in the week. I deleted the names but the body of the letter remains the same.
I hope you don’t mind me writing you, but I am the neighbor of -------. Also, my wife has taught in the Mehlville School District for the past 18 years. ----- has forwarded me some of your writings about the Call Newspaper and such.
I thought you might find this interesting. On the morning of 9/11/07, one of Mehlville Fire Districts wonderful board of directors (Bonnie Stegman) made the Chief put out an order. We were ordered to remove all IAFF union stickers from all of the fire trucks and ambulances. We have until January 1, 2008 to remove our union logo from all of our uniform shirts, and the Oakville Tiger must be removed from the truck which covers Oakville High School. This logo was paid for and put on by the members of that engine house as a sense of pride towards the community. Do you think you will see a story about this in the Oakville Call? It sure would be nice to have the School District pursue this matter publicly.

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