Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What Motivates Me? Good Question.

I know what most of you must be thinking. People who are actively involved in the South St. Louis County community have little respect for the “Call”. But they don’t spend a lot of time and effort searching through public records, interviewing former “Call” employees and writing about them on a weekly basis. What motivates me?
Well, let me be up front about my motivation. Let me spell it out for you.
Let me tell you a story.
About 16 years ago I moved into the area and read the “Concord Call” as it came in my mailbox. I must admit it motivated me to help many of the local institutions as I thought they were often under attack and needed assistance. Years later, as I would get involved in higher level committees and eventually serve on the school district’s board of education, I would find the source of the negativity to be the “Call” itself. Not content on reporting the news, they would make or instigate the news. Now the “Call”, like anyone else, has the constitutional right of free speech. It’s just a damn shame that they can constantly distort the truth to simply stir controversy, but even I would rather have that than censorship. But the citizens deserve the truth. This kind of stuff you already know, because you have read the” Call” before. Here’s the rest of my story.
As a new school board member, the “Call” usually left me alone. They really liked to hammer the female board members. It wasn’t until I e-mailed one of their guest editorial writers that they started their silly attacks on me. It was so funny. This guy was editorializing about our conflict of interest policies and I pointed out how hypocritical he was being from his days of elected office. He would soon end his editorial writing, but I had made them mad. They printed a cartoon soon following this conflict and I was drawn as a monster. You can bet I kept a copy for the grandkids.
Although they had numerous problems with the district, as they have had pretty much since their inception, I was rarely a target of their personal attacks. Usually they would concentrate on whoever was running for re-election that year.
In 2005, things weren’t going well for Bill Milligan, “Call” owner, general manager. He was getting frustrated. The administration and the board ignored his journalistic tantrums and his sunshine lawsuit against the district was going nowhere.
In early October I was volunteering at my son’s cross country race at Jefferson Barrack’s Park. After eavesdropping on a conversation I was having with a race official, Milligan interrupted us with a derogatory remark to me. I tried to talk with him but to make a long story short; he started pointing his finger in my chest and asking me when I would stop sexually harassing his employees until an administrator intervened. The next day I called the police. I wanted to know how much I had to put up with before I retaliated. I was told according to Missouri law I had to retreat but I could file a complaint for assault, which I did. Milligan avoided talking to the police for ten days saying his attorney was out of town. He then denied everything and said I head-butted him. Then, that very same day, the snake drove up to Clayton and filed for a restraining order against me. He alleged I’d been stalking him. Now look at the timing here folks. We had a newspaper owner with a grudge against a board member who comes up with a head-butt story ten days after the fact and a stalking allegation perhaps a year after the imaginary fact and he didn't print anything in the newspaper. You know if it was true it would have been the headline in 72pt type. I had to go Clayton for a hearing in family court. If my, and the district’s reputation had not been on the line it would have been hilarious. He got up and contradicted his own statement numerous times and of course had no witnesses other than his imagination. I have got copies of all the statements and the court transcripts if anyone would like to see them. The case was thrown out before we even got a chance to talk. I brought an assistant principal, a teacher and a student to back me up.
None of this was ever printed in his weakly newspaper. So there you have it. I’m still a little angry that that SOB made up that incredible story and went to court and lied about me trying to ruin my reputation. And even though I don’t own a newspaper, it’s my hobby to share with our community the reputation he has so richly deserved. See below for what his business partner, his wife, his former employees and the police have to say about Mr. Milligan and the “Call Newspapers”.

Defendant William & Deborah Milligan
Concord Publications, Inc dba Call Publishing-Call Newspapers

· Case #21C94-18795 Landlord, Darrel D. Climer back rent for over $11,000 Release of Garnishment Oct 27, 1995.

· Case # 21C97-23879 State of Missouri Failure to pay taxes,
· Case #681813 Alonzo Potts- Former Business Partner with Call Publications sues the Milligans and the Call for Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Breach of Contract, and Fraud ($30,000).
· Case # 97CC-001749 continued action to settle previous case by Alonzo Potts- Judgment #781307, March 26th, 2003.

· Case # 21S90-02371 Small claims by Lockos, hostile work environment
· Case #21S90-02372 by Voyles
· Case # 21S96-01019 by Service Assurance Corporation

Defendant William T. Milligan

· Case # 21B901359 07/17/90 Adult Abuse brought by Deborah S. Baker (spouse)
· Case #21C98-04554 Failure to pay account Commercial Phone Marketing
· Case #931976939 Failure to register vehicle
· Case # 932000078 speeding
· Case #96010990 Failure to register
· Case #76151990 Failure to appear
· Case #90030990 speeding
· Case #7651990 Failure to appear
· Case #21-94TR-011892 speeding
· Case #94TR-11892
· Case #95TR-7291
· Case # 90TRTR-26455 Disobeyed red light

Defendant Deborah S. Baker- Milligan

· Case # 613949 Dissolution of marriage 08/14/90

Please do me a favor. Share my blog with your friends on your e-mail list or print portions to share with others.

As always, if anyone doesn't believe me, I've got the court documents and will take a polygraph about anything I write.


SouthCountyMike said...

There are so many things that come to mind about that malicious litigation Call owner Bill Milligan
did to me. First, he avoided making a statement because his lawyer was out of town. I'll bet this was the first and only time he ever used that attorney. His lawyer from the Sunshine lawsuit was unaware of anything about it. To see where he got this lawyer, look on pages 72 and 73 of the yellow pages. Yes, Frank and Juengel attorney Matt Radefeld. I also wonder if Mr. Radefeld ever got paid. As I have pointed out before Mr. Milligan has used lots and lots of attorneys. Now I know he gets in trouble a lot but does he not pay them? Or is it after working with him, they decide that it's better to defend murderers and rapists to lowlifes like him.

SouthCountyMike said...

There was one really funny thing Call owner Bill Milligan said in court. He said he was afraid for his life because he had read I was a retired Master Sergeant and had Army training. I only wish Bill Murry was there to holler out
As usual, Milligan had it half right. I am a retired Air Force Reserve Senior Master Sergeant. I did spend six 1/2 years printing maps and intelligence material in the Army. Most of my training was in the Air Force Medical Corps. I believe Milligan earned the title "Wussy" that day.

SouthCountyMike said...

And another thing:
He lied about the headbutting, he lied about the stalking, actually he lied about so many things that day, the guy couldn't keep track of his lies. I think I figured out why he lies so often. The poor guy is probably hungary. You see, according to the financial statement he filed with the court, he is paid zero dollars by the "Call" with expenses around $1,400 a month. What does that say about the guy's credibility?

SouthCountyMike said...

And another thing:
How's this for nerve. Milligan assaults me, lies about it, makes up outrageous stories in an attempt to ruin my reputation and falsely testifies against me in Family Court. Then I get two phone calls from Deborah Baker Milligan wanting me to take out ads in their so called newspaper in my re-election bid.I filed a complaint with the Missouri Attorney General's Office. I'm on the NO CALL list.