Saturday, October 6, 2007

Giving Back to the "Call"

People often suggest some kind of boycott of the "Call Newspapers" or their advertisers in response to what they have witnessed from this weakly newspaper.
I always tell them about what I do and let them make up their own minds. First I have requested and don't receive the "Call" so I really don't know who their advertisers are. I can tell you when I sell my house, I will check and give preference to someone who advertises elsewhere. That's probably a good bit in the future. As far as organizing some kind of boycott, I'd be against it. But I would share this blog and everything I know about Milligan and the "Call" and hopefully they will make their own statements about this disgraceful business.
I think the best thing to do is to encourage the good citizens of South County to support the advertisers of the "Call's" competitors. Use the coupons you receive in the "Money Mailer" or any of the other competitors listed on the Advertise with Integrity, Aug. 28th of this BLOG.

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