Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Firefighter Benefit This Thursday

A benefit will be held this Thursday for the firefighter and paramedic fired by the Mehlville Fire Department for participating in union activities. It's sponsored by the International Association of Firefighters 2665 and 73. The event will kick off at 7 pm at the Phoenix, located just north of Lindbergh on Lemay Ferry. The $20 entry will get you a few drinks and go a long way to help a couple of our dedicated public servants who have had to struggle through this harassment.
Bring a couple extra dollars for the raffles and to play me in some billiards. Please pass this info along to others.
Update: For those who can't make it,
Checks should be payable to: Local 2665 Gerri and Bob Fundraiser
Mail to:
Local 2665 Bob and Gerri Fundraiser
115 McMenamy St. Peters, MO 63376


Anonymous said...

First off I would like to start by saying that my thoughts and prayers are with Ryan's family. I took this tragic event to find out about the south county truth spot blog. I see you have mentioned it a couple of times. So I am wondering if you know who this sick individual is. If you ask me he is just as sick as the gun man. Less than two hours after these brave men and women loose a brother he is attacking them for having a benefit. I cant even believe there are really people out there that think like this. I wish there were a way to respond to his blog. I hope at least his family know who is writing this trash so that they can distance themselves from such a sick and disturbed individual. Mr. blogger remember in the end you will pay the price for doing satins works.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that TRUE public servants have to do this to provide for there families. The board will get there's!
With the schmucks in charge now it looks like the fire department will have to hold bake sales to raise money for future expenses!

Anonymous said...

I am very pleased to see that the firefighter’s union locals are coming together for the welfare of their bothers and sister’s. It is good to see these neo extremist exposed to the whole great state of Missouri, through this benefit. These extremist are all about themselves and have no care about experienced civil service personnel. They believe a discount service is better for the public. These extremist have turn a great fire department into a stepping stone for every other fire department in this great country of ours. The public needs to know what is being forced down their throats before it becomes too late and someone’s life is jeopardized.

Anonymous said...

I will start off by saying I am an ex-Mehlville Employee. I will not disclose my new employer for it will not benefit me in any way. I am one of many people who have left in the past year. I left, not for better pay, but for knowing that my family will be taken care of after I die. Not just money or gifts but being able to have that closure with my fellow brothers and sisters at the District and with the board. To feel at home when they come to board meetings and not feel like they are worthless because they are my family. Because I am supposedly "money hungry" or "ripping people off". I am soooo glad I left. Nothing against the past board or the present. I just felt insecure with the 3 of them sitting up there. I am at a better employer right now and i know many others at Mehlville want to be in my shoes. I tell them to hang in there it will get better, but will it? I hope for the sake of the ,once, best department. I write this in a terrible time, but I am so upset that I had to just write this.
I will always remember Lou Berra, Ryan Hummert, 2 City guys who died in the house fire, the Mehlville Medic who commited suicide.
It's a different world out there. We have to worry about so much more now adays. Now we have big targets on our backs to add to it. For what?

Anonymous said...

Mike why don't you learn the real law of the sunshine statues. Every think you have through out at the MFPD is way out of the boundries of the law, and you know it. IF you do not, take some lessons and then open you mouth, until then keep your damn mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mikey
You need to read the real truth in the Truthspot, Stoney says it very well.

SouthCountyMike said...

Hello Everyone,
I'm a little wrapped up in some family stuff right now to be spending much time on my blog but Ill try to get in some quick replies to some comments. To all: it's a shame we have to lose good people to respect their work and sacrifices.7:23 I know the law pretty well, thank you very much. If you don't believe me, ask the record's custodian or the attorney for the MFPD.6:50 I don't have time to bother reading the distortions and outright fabrications of the TruthSpot. There's a reason they don't put their names on their website.

Anonymous said...

Prove one fabrication.

Anonymous said...

Stonebraker, Hilmer, Anthony I hope you all watched the news tonight. 7-24-08. I hope it makes you sick to see all of this happening. All you see on tv now is Firemen and how brave they are. Can you put a price tag on this? It is time to re-build what you have destroyed. It's you people who are tearing this county down. If you weren't here we will all live so much better. Just a citizen.

Unions will also support Bob and Jeri, until they are proven guilty. They have bills to pay. Unlike you who think you are too good to pay for anything.

SouthCountyMike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SouthCountyMike said...

6:28 ello James,
You're right on this one. I can't prove it. But I'm willing to bet others can. You screwed up. You were systematically destroying the men and women who serve our community.You kept forcing them to spend huge amounts of money on legal expenses to assert their rights and make your pals obey the law. All the while, you were using taxpayer funds to fight them. You kept losing but you could afford it. It wasn't your money. Then, you couldn't resist showing off to your political buddy, Mike Becker. Now you've fired two great people without cause. Outside money will flow in. Your insurance carrier is gonna go nuts when the see how sloppy you've been. They are going want to get out from under this as soon as possible. Patience is a virtue. Perhaps that's why you didn't have any.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike!
First, I want to congratulate you for doing a great job on this blog. If it wasn't for you, my family and neighbors would have any idea what is happening to our community. The one sided neighborhood news paper is our only other means of what is happening to our community. The paper seem to hate school teachers, firefighters and any other careers that sever our public. Although I was unable to attend the fund raiser at the Phoenix, Saturday night. I Collected money in my neighborhood and made a large donation, to help these fine people. We are still talking with our neighbors and trying to figure other ways we can help. Please talk with our community firefights and post other ways we can help you!!!! Again, thank you very much for informing the community. God Bless You All!!!

SouthCountyMike said...

2:40 Thanks for the kind words and your efforts on behalf of the firefighters. I started this BLOG as a way to vent my frustrations and an inexpensive way to share with our community the truth about the Call Newspapers and their incredibly unethical and immoral activities they are involved in. Much of what we get into involves the fire district because of the support the Call gives to the current situation and the fact the the silly Hilmer groupies try to impress me with their distortions and lies. They really got me going when I reported that Call owner Bill Milligan was seen several times at MFPD BOD Chairmen Hilmer's house several times. They knew this was damning evidence and tried to deny the truth. The more I learn the truth about this Himler, excuse me, I mean Hilmer, the more I want to share it. Hilmer, along with Stonebraker, organized the effort against our school district's tax proposal three years ago. He also worked against the special school district. How a guy with an incapacitated father and brother could do that, I don't know. It's just evil.Their good buddy, Mike Becker, brother of fire fighter Marty Becker, alleged harrasment victim led the anti-public school slate for Mehlville's school board in April. He was using Right Wing extemist's Rex Sinquefield's money in the attempt.None of this gets reported in the Call because they're political lovers. There, I vented again. Thanks again for your efforts on behalf of the firefighters. Please share the BLOG with others.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid 12:28 is going to get slammed for speaking the politcally incorrect truth.
In today's society it isn't considered polite to notice or comment on another person's oddities. However, when that person is in the position to wreak havoc on a community, as Hilmer is doing, it is only prudent to point out the obvious.
And it is obvious to anyone who has had the opportunity to observe his behavior in meetings that the guy has "issues" and these issues affect the way he perceives comments and processes information. He seems incapable of bearing criticism and has taken all measures possible to insure he doesn't have to hear any. He makes snap decisions and value judgements and then set them in concrete. He usually has a flat, expressionless demeanor and seems to lack a conscience. However, on receiving word that a legal decision had not gone his way, he had at least one loud, physical tantrum, witnessed by numerous people in the headquarters complex, which amazed employees.
While he dominates Stegman and Ryan, he seems strangely dependant on the advice of Stonebraker and his cronies and has become a willing puppet of the local republican muckety mucks.
The whole situation is a very difficult thing to describe. It's something you have to see for yourself and few residents have done so. Of course, they voted for him based solely on mailbox flyers and crap they read in the Call. You will never read about his "issues" in the Call.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blogs, however the individual of 12:28 pm is way out of line with some of his statements refering to his mother and brother in the womb. I would appreciate If you would keep that kink of comnents off of your blog. These kind of statements turns people off for supporting there firefighters and police officers who do a fine job.


Anonymous said...

Is the Truthspot author running the BOD at Mehlville Fire?
Why is he posting such 'Offers' or Demands on the site? If you are a board member than why don't you state your name and let the secret out?
I am confused to how the truth spot gets info from the MFPD BOD in reguards to the goings on in the department then posts in on the spot before it is known to the rest.
I thought personel issuyes are not meant for the public.

SouthCountyMike said...

9:26 According to James Stonebraker, he is not the sole contributor to the Truth Spot. He supposedly has 3 other Republicans and one Democrat. Most people I know believe the supposed Democrat is Burke Wasson of the Call Newspapers. The verbage in many of the articles closely resembles his writing for the Call. Chief Silvernail keeps them well informed.

Anonymous said...

As an X employee of the MFPD I can tell you that you have several members of local 1889 that keeps the Mr. Hilmer, Mr. Stonebraker and the Call will aware what is going on. If fact they no more than Chief Silvernail or any other Chief's of the MFPD.

Anonymous said...

I would say Hilmer is a very lucky man. He's lucky the personnel at the fire stations don't just get up and quit due to his destructive behavior. I worked at an auto warehouse where the manager was promoted (who no one trusted) and we all walked out. Nope we were not union. When boss man found this out he he came back from his African trip and fired the manager and we all went back to work. I know firemen can not just walk out due to the life savings at play here, this is why Hilmer is very lucky and has the employees by the you know whats once again.

Anonymous said...

This "offer" to the union?
Typical Hilmer crap-tactics. Rather than sit down and reason, he floats an informal take-it-or-leave-it-offer by sending out Asst. Chief Steve Mossotti with a carrot and stick to schmooze the employees and simultaneously threaten dire consequences if they don't fall in line. Then he gives them a short time limit to accept the proposal so they won't have time to run the numbers and see what a lousy deal it really is.
In this case, there is some half-assed spreadsheet Mossotti (hardly a certified financial expert) prepared to show them the benefits, with a handy disclaimer that it isn't a reliable reflection of the true numbers.
This is bullsh*t.
The threat is the BOD will go ahead and set the tax rate for the next two years and the employees will be screwed if they don't settle. They are trying to stampede the union into dropping the lawsuits. Wonder if the BOD is worried they just might lose their battle to screw the pension plan?
Setting a tax rate for the next two years in this squiffy economy is fiscally irresponsible, but that won't stop them. The sad thing is, the average voter really doesn't have a clue what the possible repercussions from this kind stupidity really are. I think Hilmer would like nothing better than to financially handcuff the department to the point where it would have to merge or be absorbed by another department. That sounds thrifty, but this community could only lose. We would find some of our firehouses closed, our services even further compromised and our equipment (which we all paid for)redistributed to other areas.
People need to wake up and stop drinking the get-something-for-nothing koolaid Hilmer peddles.

Anonymous said...

You're right about Mossotti. Like Silvernail, Mossotti once commanded genuine respect. Since he accepted the role of Hilmer's shill 3 years ago his credibility is zero. The employees don't trust him. Hilmer has even occasionally made him look like a STUPID,LYING shill by changing the terms of offers. While Mossotti holds out an olive branch, Hilmer stabs the recipients in the back. Mossotti wants to be chief, but that probably aint gonna happen and he hasn't figured that out yet.

Anonymous said...

This whole raise, pension deal is just like the whole deal with Crestwood. Crestwood was in the same situation where they were hurting for money and here comes big bad Mehlville thinking they can go around the back door to sneak an offer to Crestwood. "Yeah but they will save money" BULLYIT, saving money not likely. The quality and amount of equipment and people will not change only decrease. Crestwood has medics on both trucks and has 2 abbott ambulances in the area ready at all times.

It is such a joke that Hilmer and Co, go through the papers to get the deal out there before the employees even know about it. It's his typical look at what I did, and he hates being told NO. Well let me say it NO more Hilmer.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit what you think.

Anonymous said...

Crestwood will ultimately contract out it's police and fire. It can't afford to do anything else.

SouthCountyMike said...

Perhaps they will. But if they ever do, it should be an open and honest process. The last proposal was not even discussed by the MFPD BOD, prior to it being made. And it was released to certain members of the media, before it was given to Crestwood. Crestwood did the right thing at that time.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone support two individuals that have treated there follow firefighters with disrespect. These people should have been fired.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 8:17 pm, I talked to one of the Board members and I can not believe what these two individuals have done. Not only should they have been fired, charges should have been filed on them.

SouthCountyMike said...

2:52 I don't believe you. If a BOD member told you about the two firefighters and your opinion is they should be canned, stand up and put your name down.

Anonymous said...

I do not give a shit if a dumb bastard like you believes me or not. Half the crap in your blog I don't believe. Most of this shit comes from people that are pissed about life and the other half or low lifes. You need to get your damn head our of the sand or someones ass.

SouthCountyMike said...

11:49 Wow, you need to drink less coffee. If you can't state your name while saying people should be fired, keep your cowardly self off the blog.

Anonymous said...

I kind of agree with blogger 11:49 am but with a little less language.

Anonymous said...

Your kidding me they got their infromation from the bod and they agree with them. No one has ever said that they cant come up with a good story, but its a shame that they cant remember that their are two sides to every story and it dosent make their story the truth. I hope that some of these people can start to look for the whole truth and not the bods truth before its too late.

Anonymous said...

My friend I think it is to late: