Friday, September 5, 2008

Is Paying Your Bills Important?

As we wait for Pelarious to wrap up their collection lawsuit against Milligan and the Call Newspapers, I guess it's easy to understand why The Call doesn't report on elected officials and their financial problems. Who will pay first, the guy who has already had the judgement go against him or the guy who'll lose in court in next next couple of months?

(Milligan and The Call)
Docket Entry:
Trial Setting Scheduled
Associated Docket Entries:
07/22/2008 - Hearing Continued/Rescheduled
Associated Events:
07/22/2008 , 10:00:00 - Trial Setting

Docket Entry:
Hearing Continued/Rescheduled
Associated Docket Entries:
05/27/2008 - Hearing Continued/Rescheduled
Associated Docket Entries:
05/27/2008 - Trial Setting Scheduled
Associated Events:
07/22/2008 , 10:00:00 - Trial Setting
Docket Entry:
Hearing Scheduled
Associated Events:
09/23/2008 , 09:00:00 - Hearing
Displaying 19 thru 21 of 21 records for all dockets returned for case 2107AC-29218.

This information is provided as a service and is not considered an official court record.
Judgment Entered

Amount of Judgment:
Date of Satisfaction: not yet on file


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So what's World Martial Arts?

SouthCountyMike said...

12:27 Yet, you keep visiting. Why is that?
1:18 They teach Korean martial arts,taekwondo. One of their schools is over on Telegraph.

Anonymous said...

at least John Campisi isn't stealing this time, he's just not paying his bills as usual.

SouthCountyMike said...

As a citizen, this actually bothers me more than his stealing from the water company. He probably could afford to pay for the water for his pool but thought he was clever and could get it for free. When he doesn't pay his bills, then gets a judgement against him in court, which hasn't been paid, that leaves him exposed to those who might want to take advantage of his situation. He would not get a security clearance if he worked for the gobernment, he couldn't be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Mike I like how some people on here are displeased with you and the rest of us on here, but they do like to read off of your blog a lot.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Campisi could get a security clearance as long as he's forthcoming with the truth.
I noticed this company has about 200 cases listed. Regardless of Campisi's case, it seems someone needs to check into this company to see if they have deceptive practices, etc.

SouthCountyMike said...

Darn, I have to admit you're probably right.That's assuming, you could get Mr. Campisi to tell the truth. He would never tell who provided him with the equipment in his theft case, so we won't know about that. I'm sure he could get a low level clearance with only some minor theft and a judgement against him.I was thinking about a high level clearance which they may very well lowered their standards since my days in the business.As to the cases filed by World Martial Arts,they filed a lot of collection suits which doesn't surprise me for that kind of business.Call Newspapers has also filed a number of these suits.Perhaps the Call could do a story on them. Could you imagine them actually writing an investigative piece about somebody other than the school board or the Mayor of Crestwood?

Anonymous said...

Was Campisi actually charged with minor theft?
By the way, did you attend the rally Monday at Mehlville? I'm sure the Call will have a big article on that.

SouthCountyMike said...

Good question. Councilman Campisi was charged twice with tamperinging with a utility meter. He was fined 100 bucks the first time. He was then fined 200 bucks for his second theft. He paid the fine unlike his current judgement against him in this civil matter which is still open. I did not attend the rally at Mehlville HS.

Anonymous said...

Where did you get the info regarding the utility meters?

I heard the Mehlville rally was successful in that over 100 students signed up for "Students for Obama" and attended.

SouthCountyMike said...
