Monday, February 1, 2010

Mehlville Fire BOD Agenda Today, Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, 2010

There's nothing on the agenda for the open portion of today's MFPD BOD meeting. That means the meeting will last less than a minute and Mr. Hilmer will again pay himself at the rate of over $6,000 an hour. Worse than that, the only thing on the closed session agenda is real estate. Another lucky South County Republican is gonna get fat with our tax dollars! It's like they've got their own little stimulus plan.

Mehlville Fire Protection District Agenda
Directors' Meeting February 2, 2010
MFPD Conference Room
11020 Mueller Road
Aaron Hilmer Bonnie Stegman Ed Ryan
Chairman Treasurer Secretary






Real Estate


(Individuals wishing to make comments should fill out a Speaker's Card and turn it in to the Chairman before the meeting. )
The District's Training Facility and Conference Room are handicapped accessible. If you need any special accommodations, please contact 314.894.0420, extension 1713 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Posted 2/1/2010 @ 1200


Anonymous said...

Someone better take notice quick before they bankrupt our district and ruin it forever which I belive has been the plan all along Stonebraker lost a suit with Mehlville over some property Hoffman was lemays lawyer I do belive this is payback.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike!... Today is Tuesday, lol.

SouthCountyMike said...

Oops! Thanks, I fixed it. That's the first mistake I've made all year, lol.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike--
Sorry, but I do read the Call--mainly for entertainment (Like National Enquirer!). I couldn't help but laugh at the Opinions page for Mike Anthony. He seems to be complaining that newspaper websites allow anonymous comments....could it be that he is upset that the Post allowed comments on the recent MFPD BOD article, and that some of those comments were not too nice about Hilmer and Co.? Sorry to tell you Mr. Anthony that not every paper censors their comments to make sure that certain groups are only shown in a favorable light. He goes on to say that if you make a comment you should have to put your name down and stand by it. Well, perhaps some of the comments are from actual firefighters, who want to speak out but know that if they do they will be persecuted and told they violated that crappy illegal confidentiality agreement. So Mr. Anthony, if you are a champion of free speech (as their many Sunshine battles with Mehlville School District would show) then why don't you speak out against the confidentiality agreement? If you believe in people putting their names behind their opinions, then why are you not fighting for firefighters to have that right?
I just want to know...what is it that Hilmer and Co. are so afraid of the public knowing?

Anonymous said...

Amen to 5:46!!! free speech if it agrees with the Call's opinion

SouthCountyMike said...

5:46 Shame on you for reading the Call unless you can balance this waste of time with something of value. I suggest picking one of their advertisers and changing your spending habits with that business.
You know what they say about opinions. They are like butts, everybody has one.In the case of Mike Anthony, the editor from Arnold, he pulls his opinion out of his butt! That's of course, when he actually has an opinion. Most of what he writes is suggested to him by Bill Milligan. I think that's what makes Anthony so bitter about South County. His career is so bad that he's stuck working for such an incredible ignoramus and he doesn't make enough money to live as we do. He has to live in Arnold and raise his kids there. He's envious about the whole community. He goes home wondering why we people would want better schools and emergency services when South County already has it better than his family does. But, don't take my word for it. Go up to the Call, which is right behind the Tesson Ferry Library. Talk to Bill Milligan or Mike Anthony. Try to engage them in an intelligent conversation about something in the community. Milligan will be infuriated that you don't agree with him immediately. Anthony will mumble a Call slogan and shake his head. There both so socially awkward it's sad.

Anonymous said...

Take it easy on Arnold. The Fire district is in much better shape than Mehlville's.

Anonymous said...

I know that I should avoid the Call, but like I said, I read it for entertainment. I mean, I guy's gotta read something in the bathroom.
But really, I was shocked that they even printed anything about the attorney general's office and the tax issue....but I guess since the Post did they have to follow...but they certainly took up half the article giving Hilmer his podium.
Perhaps we should inundate the Call with letters about the confidentiality agreements and ask that they give an opinion on that.

SouthCountyMike said...

6;23 Shame on you also! Please take my suggestion from above. Don't write a letter, stop by and visit the Call. They are open Wednesday through Monday.

Anonymous said...

Mike Im also sorry I read the call but the picture of Mike Anthony is so funny I have to see it. Have you seen the head on that cabbage. It should have its own orbit. Just picturing it makes me laugh out loud. Keep up the good work Mike. but your to honest to be doing this.