Thursday, November 15, 2007

Housekeeping Notes

1. I'm having some technical difficulties commenting in this BLOG as well as others. I'll get it figured out, but I don't have as much time as I've had to spend as I've gotten used to.
2. The reason I don't have as much time is that I'm no longer housebound recovering from an injury after an accident. I'm back to work and my volunteer duties.
3. I've been getting some rather cowardly anonymous e-mail accusing me of crimes and spending times with criminals. How much simpler can I make for anyone? If I say it, I'll take a polygraph for it. If you can crawl out from behind you rock and come up with the money, let's get it on.
4. I understand an anonymous blogger has referred to me as an arch liberal. I really don't know where he gets that idea. I generally only comment about public education and my support for it. If that makes me an arch liberal, so be it. Frankly, I think I'm rather conservative about the role of the federal government in education, even compared with most Republicans in Congress.
5. This is my hobby. Thanks to the recent shots I've taken, even more info is flowing my way.

1 comment:

Crestwood Independent said...

Mike, glad to hear your back in the game! You are now linked to my blog as well.

Remember, "Illigitimus Non-carburendum" my friend!

Tom Ford