Friday, November 2, 2007


I couldn't have said it better. That's what so great about critiquing this piece of trash known as the Call. It's so easy and I haven't read it in over a year. Add this blunder to the fact that one of their writers was involved in one of the greatest hoaxes in American Journalism's history and you have a horrible example of what a newspaper is supposed to be! And folks, as usual, they have no comment. In addition to contacting the Call, I contacted their printer, way up in Louisiana, Missouri. Again, no comment.
They just don't care about their reputation. How could they? You've seen some of the litigation against them, the comments from the journalism professor, the unbelievable nonsense he tried to pull on me. What truly amazes me is why anyone would risk their reputation advertising in this rag. When I see anything related to the Call, I think of incompetence, lack of integrity and lack of decency.

1 comment:

Crestwood Independent said...

And you expected better of them Mike? They is what they is!

Tom ford