Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Yippee, It's Election Day!

I love election day. I was the first to vote this morning at 6 a.m. It's great to be number one. On the way out, I said hello to Carl. Our political views might be quite different, but I respect the guy. Everyone I know says that he's a friendly and sincere man. Those aren't bad ways for a politician to be known. Of course, I'm speaking of former State Representative and current Committeeman Carl Hendrickson.
Vote early and often!


Anonymous said...

the Karl Blog posted his "gut" feeling on the election.........I think its just gas!!!

I hope the community made an attempt at educating themselves on the candidates prior to going to the Polls.

Crestwood Independent said...

Good for you Mike, I was number 71 so they told me.

Voting is the one thing we must all do to protect our liberty, and our Country!

If you think you can't do it remember the purple fingers in Iraq (under fire no less) and get to the poll's

Tom Ford

Anonymous said...

I did not think IDIOTS could vote: Or just maybe to stupid to figure it out. You sure guessed Mr. Frank wrong. HE IS A REAL WINNER OVER YOU LOSERS.

SouthCountyMike said...

It never ceases to amaze me how little class some people have. I wish Karl all the luck.

Anonymous said...

The outcome of the election just goes to show The Inmates (NEA) are Running the Asylum, in our school district

SouthCountyMike said...

While I can appreciate your sentiment and agree the NEA had a great deal to do with the election outcome, I wouldn't say they are running the district. We still have a fine administrative staff that runs the day to day operations of Mehlville. I have a lot of confidence in them. Elections often are about who people don't want as opposed to who they do. You can thank the slate of Brown,Bertelsen and Mooy, or as I like to call them, Rex's Rangers, for the re-election of Karl Frank, Jr. Other groups supported the teachers' association to defeat this so called reform slate.

Anonymous said...

The MNEA really screw over the district with there endorsements. I can't believe that the two best canidates, who do the most for the district (hello MNEA, they do stuff for the district, why not endorse them??) were at the bottom of the ballots. What happen to all of those people who said they were in support of Marea and Deb?? Did they just not go out and vote believing others would? Every vote counts, and this really proved it.

Anonymous said...

You can thank the MNEA for the re-election of Karl Frank, i.e., the 6% raise across the board which we all will have to fund.

Anonymous said...

I am happy with the results of the election. I am sick of people talking of nothing more than the money. It is about the KIDS. We should fund the schools to attract better teachers and have better learning equipment. I certainly am not an advocate of unneeded spending like solid gold field goal posts for the football fields, but We need to realize that our schools are worth investing in. The losers of the election don't care about education, after all in the Call all they talk about is spending and opposing a future tax levy, not once have I read anything from Mooy saying anything about education, which the school board kinda has to do with education. It's ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. I do not have a problem with paying taxes like some people do, obviously if they are responsible with them.

SouthCountyMike said...

I agree with most of what you have to say, although I'm not happy with the election results. I have to say it could be worse.
The financial complaints of the "so called" reform candidates were, at best, petty.
They complained about the turf, as if the whole concept of spending a couple of extra bucks on athletic fields is a total waste of money. SLUH and CBC both have turf fields and we don't here anybody complaining. Should we not compete with them?
Having written that, it should not be said that they are saving us money. Anyone who says that is not doing the district any favors. I'm sure we are not seeeing the projected advertising and rental revenues.
They said Mehlville shouldn't use money to sue the state. This is extremely ignorant. The district was not part of the original plaintiff's lawsuit. We joined a group, known as the CFES, as an intervener. The rural school districts, with their "so called conservatives" were happy to take more of our school district's share of state funding. To not have had a legal representation on our behalf would have been irresponsible to our children and our taxpayers.
It's difficult not to agree with the reform (or can I say the "deform" candidates )with one school board member. The guy's has been nothing but a personal and public financial mess. We should all have a reasonable amount of concern for our district's financial situation.
I don't think "most" Americans mind paying taxes for things that are important. It's defining what's important that's the problem. I would raise my taxes every dollar it takes, to give every veteran excellent health care!

Anonymous said...

You say that the losers of the election don't care about education . . . what about Marea Kluth-Hoppe and Deb Langland?!?! They ran because they care about education and just because they didn't win doesn't mean the won't stop helping the Mehlville School District. They are both part of the Mehlville Oakville Foundation and other groups and have been helping the district since before the election and will be working to better even after it.

SouthCountyMike said...

I'm sure 4/11 2;57pm was referring to Rex's Rangers when talking about the losers in the election. This gives me an idea for a story. What has happened to all of the unsuccessful candidates for school board over the years? One would think that if they had the passion to be on the school board that they would be involved somehow with the distict or in the community.

Anonymous said...

If Karl Frank is truly concerned about kids and education, why doesn't he get an education and stop lying (setting a bad example for our kids) about his education.

SouthCountyMike said...

I don't think Karl lied about his education. From what I saw, he insinuated that he had degrees from two universities.He kind of padded his resume. That's not a lie but nothing I would be proud of either. As far as Karl goes, he won the election and we will have to live with that. I'm afraid others will use his status on the board to say that our board can't be trusted. I made my arguement during the election and it apparently was not enough to sway the community.

Anonymous said...

I was not aware that you were still active in Mehlville Schools. What do you participate in?

SouthCountyMike said...

I don't think I mentioned that I was active in the schools. But if you're interested, until last week, I was the secretary of the MHS Fathers' Club. When I'm not doing that, I'm selling burgers in the concession stand, organizing club recruiting or helping on the golf committee.