Thursday, May 15, 2008

How Others See the Call

From the Crestwood Independent

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Well folks, I wondered how long Mike Anthony could stay out of Crestwood politics, and now we know!
Mr. Mike Anthony, editor, and erstwhile resident of Jefferson County (not Crestwood,) has once again pontificated on "what's right for Crestwood!"This guy is the one in the same that promised "no more slams against the Crestwood leadership!" Well, I guess he forgot that part of his diatribe because here he is in the "paper" low rating Crestwood again!Mike, find something your qualified to report on and leave us alone, because we are all stocked up with liberal idiots who have no stake in Crestwood, and we sure don't need a person who doesn't live here to tell us what to, or how to do it!
Tom Ford

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