Thursday, September 30, 2010

Mehlville Firefighter Fundraiser


South County Mike

What a wonderful weekend it was for the members of IAFF Local 1889 and so many caring and sharing residents of our area who, along with many others, attended the barbecue – car show fundraiser for Corporal Todd Nicely – USMC. Corporal Nicely is the young warrior who lost four limbs in March after stepping on an IED in Afghanistan. Great weather, food, and fellowship graced all the wonderful people who came out to give to this brave young man who gave so much for our country and each of us. I understand that this two day event raised $30,000.00 for this wounded warrior and his family.

The only negative I can think of was the absence of any MFPD vehicles being displayed amongst equipment from numerous fire departments or districts. The MFPD Board of Directors and Fire Chief chose not to attend, support, or participate in any way. Lemay Fire Chief Neil Svetanics stepped in to present Corporal Nicely with an Honorary Firefighter Helmet – fulfilling the young man’s lifelong dream. Now that the Administration of the MFPD has embarrassed themselves beyond redemption in the eyes of many – what will they do next? I offer up a suggestion. The MFPD Board of Directors should stop patting themselves on the back for building fire houses “with a tax decrease” – because while so many of us were having fun at the event raising money for the wounded warrior you were at a meeting raising our tax rate for the 3rd year in a row! Maybe the MFPD Board should stop their spending frenzy and realize the best asset and investment the MFPD has is the caring men and women who carefully planned and produced this event for this young hero in hopes that he and his family could have additional resources to meet the years of challenge that awaits them. The compassion and concern for this young man demonstrated by IAFF Local 1889 members, their families, and all who supported this effort – especially Faith Lutheran Church who generously opened its doors and property up for this function – reinforces what I already knew. Now, as in the past, the men and women who staff the equipment owned by the District are the ones who make the District what it is – not the equipment or the firehouse it sits in.

In closing, I might add that I didn’t see any thugs, bullies or ax-murderers. I also didn’t see any representatives from the Oakville Gall. They must have followed the Board of Directors and Chiefs lead in finding something more important to do. I would guarantee that whatever they chose to do was not nearly as rewarding as the premier event I attended.

Thanking who participated, I remain

Dennis C. Skelton


Anonymous said...

What a fantasic Letter your right is was a disapointment to not see any of the board members or equipment from MFPD. I guess well have to wait until Mrs Stegmans next block party in Cardinal Creek. To see any MFPD Equipment. For fellow subdivision nieghbors to get there fill of beer and wine while letting there children climb on the trucks. In Aarons Defense I understand he was giving a professional interview with one of the reporters from the Call.

Anonymous said...

I sent an editorial to the "Call" re: the benefit and they did not have the "Gall" to publish it. It was neither inflammatory nor derogatory in nature; I made true statements and asked valid questions.

What is wrong with this picture? Mr. Anthony? Your turn…….

Reenie Mitchell

*disclaimer: I am not connected with the Fire Service or MFPD in any way.

Anonymous said...

I find it shameful that the Mehlville fire BOD would try to demonize their own employee’s for political gain. I don’t believe this is working for them nor ever will. Like it or not, they are their employee’s. The board owns a responsibility to each and every one of them. It would be no different if they were abusing their own children. They are responsible. And until the public is aware, they will continue to get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Mitchell, Welcome to the world of the Call News Paper. Best Pen Money Can Buy. Hilmer wouldnt be were he is at if it wasn't for the redundent display of of hapless loyalty by Mr Anthony. When Aaron goes you will to.