Friday, January 30, 2009

Getting to Know the South County Truth Spot

The Truth Spot won't tell you who they are but I will. We'll start with Mr Stonebraker since Stoney's the the biggest clown in this circus of a blog. Let's go back in history.

This was on the Truth Defector’s, Jim Stonebraker, website
back in 1999.

Stonebraker wrote:

I received this anonymous letter on April 16th, 1998 from a person too cowardly and spineless to sign their name to an outrageous bunch of lies. Below is a scan of this poison letter from a person who is obviously a nut. Now the whole world can view rank stupidity in it’s most basic form.

Read my reply and have a good laugh.

This was written to Stonebraker:

I find the homepages for you and the Lemay Republican Club amusing. Particularly the part about Character Counts.” You, who lives in the Hancock School District and publicly criticizes the Mehlville School District, have no business defining character.
Also, I have a great deal of respect for Reagan and Lincoln and doubt they would be as flattered to have their names associated with you as you try to associate yourself with them.
They stood for, and demonstrated, morals and principles, something which you are sorely lacking. After viewing your homepage, you’re obviously a legend in your own mind.
If you have to boast of yourself and your accomplishments to gain recognition, then you are probably not deserving. Truly great people and leaders do not have to seek recognition and fame; it will follow their actions. You are obviously not a great person or leader.
It’s because of Republicans like you that I find myself reconsidering my Republican voting record. You are a loose canon.
Someone who respects sincere and honest leadership.
P.S. The “Mr.” designation is reserved for those who have earned it.

Now read what Jim Stonebraker, aka the Truth Detector, wrote back to the guy. This is the guy who tries to remain anonymous on his BLOG and doesn’t let anybody respond to his slanderous muck.

Stonebraker's Reply

April 18, 1998
Dear Spineless Coward,
What does character have to do with my grievance against the Mehlville School District? You must be a Clinton supporter. You are obviously a vain, judgemental ignoramous. Let’s examine the facts.
I did not criticize the Mehlville District, I filed a complaint against them to the Missouri Ethics Commission. My complaint was concerning was concerning a violation of the law (section 115.646 MoRS) that prohibits taxing entities from advocating a particular position in an election. I don’t have to live in a particular school district to do this. As a citizen of Missouri I am within my constitutional rights to protest what I feel is a violation of Missouri campaign law.
I keep my eye on what all school districts in South County do, and they don’t like it. I have no intention of ceasing my scrutiny of their actions.
Ronald Reagan is one of my true heroes. I worked in the 1980 and 84 campaigns. I have spent about 15 years actively working to advance the conservative agenda. How dare make these charges, you pompous little pinhead.
You probably never lifted a finger or gave a dime to any Republican campaign. Have you stood 13 hours at the polls in the pouring rain, snow, bitter cold or the heat of the summer to help your candidate or issue? Have you knocked on hundreds of doors distributing literature and suffered the frequent rejection of those you contact? Have you served as an election judge for the Republican Party? I doubt it. You are probably too lazy to leave your house and vote.
AS far as your criticisms of my accomplishments, I have worked hard and paid my dues. I frankly don’t care if you like my websites or not. I pay for them, and this is America. I archive every letter I write so that anyone who is interested in local issues can see another side of the debate. The Internet allows citizens like myself to have a bully pulpit.
I have never claimed nor aspired to be a “great person or leader”. I am a middle-class self employed musician who cares deeply about his country and community. I am not ashamed to enter the arena and battle for my cause. I am also not afraid to sign my name and take the heat. You, on the other hand, are so gutless that you lack the courage to engage me on the battlefield of ideas.
If you don’t like what conservative, pro-life, pro-gun, anti-public education Republicans like myself stand for, that’s your problem. I’d rather be a loose canon that fires in battle, than an anonymous unarmed coward. At least I have the courage to put myself on the line and stand up for what I believe in.
Perhaps you should join the Democratic party, they are tolerant of gutless, spineless, whining, and sniveling wimps.
Sincerely (and publicly),
Jim Stonebraker
P. S. Union Electric and Southwestern Bell call me “Mr.” this is common courtesy.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Stonebraker really is a genius! I agree with everything he wrote. This guy should be president!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Stonebraker is getting to you:

SouthCountyMike said...

12:20 On the contrary, he motivates me.

Anonymous said...

You are a sick SOB

Dennis Skelton said...

South County Mike,

Thanks for the great article about “The Call.” You can bet the boys from the “Toilet Tabloid” are furious. I had no idea that “Wild Bill” used the crapper as his think tank. He must share his secret space with Mike Anthony because most of Mike’s “opinions” are written so lopsided – they stink. Then you mention Aaron Hilmer’s “mentor” – Jim Stonebraker. This guy is allegedly one of the “contributors” to the South County Truth Spot. It’s not a stretch of the imagination to think that one, or more, of the boys from “The Call” may be contributors as well. According to the heading on the website, South County Truth Spot is supposed to be a bipartisan group attempting to set the record straight. Who are they trying to fool? Let’s examine the facts. For instance, I had a picture taken by Bill Milligan at “The Call.” I asked him if the picture was “exclusively” for “The Call.” He said “yes” to me with a witness standing right beside me. Then, mysteriously, this same picture ended up on the South County Truth Spot followed by an article that accuses me of being a “member of Organized Crime” or “Mafia connected” and other slanderous descriptions they have so cowardly bestowed on me. Conspiracy or coincidence? I didn’t see any signature or author identity on that trash! If there were any truth to this, it would be on the front page of “The Call” - but it’s not! Several similar articles have appeared on this website as well. “The Call” bashes me on a regular basis and that’s okay. Could it be they are bashing me to divert attention from the truth? They print whatever Hilmer and Stegman say as if it were gospel. For instance, in the latest edition of “the Call” (January 29, 2009) Mike Anthony wrote a story that contained one of Hilmer’s testimonials about the MFPD. Hilmer stated residents have seen a “fifty percent tax decrease and tremendous service improvements” – and “The Call” printed every word. So I think everyone should look at their real estate tax bills from 2005 through 2008 and see what your taxes have really decreased. More than likely it’s not anywhere near fifty percent – more like ten percent. When Treasurer Bonnie Stegman was asked a direct question about the proposed deficit for 2009 and possibly 2010, she couldn’t or wouldn’t answer. I didn’t read that in “The Call.” Truth be known – the residences of the District have, and will continue to, pay dearly for the actions of this Board. So I wasn’t surprised when “The Call” was awarded the contract to print a newsletter for the District. Again, I ask conspiracy or coincidence?

When your readers look at their own real estate tax bills and realize that Hilmer and Stegman have been misrepresenting the facts, they may have a desire to dig deeper to find the true facts. I suggest “The Call” apply the same level of scrutiny to the MFPD Board that they hold the leaders of Crestwood government too! I really doubt that will ever happen.

As for the Truth Spot contributors, who operate in the secret society, I wish them all that a bunch of cowards deserve.

Dennis C. Skelton

SouthCountyMike said...

James Stonebraker is indeed one of the contributors to the truth Spot. He told me in an e-mail. That's what clearly defines the integrity of that site. He has a history of not telling the truth. In fact, I'm starting to believe Stonebraker may be part of some organized crime organization. You see, Stonebraker has falsely stated in the past that a political opponent was involved in the drug culture when that wasn't the truth. Yet we know of his past associations. Now he is saying that you are involving in some kind of organized crime organization. Is this a pattern? It's reminds me of Rev. Haggerty preaching the evils of homosexuality, all the while, being a homosexual. These comments crack me up. How can this guy so rudely condemn that fellow for writing an anonymous letter and yet just a few years later, he runs an anonymous blog. He should be ashamed of himself and the Call Newspapers should also be ashamed for being involved. Of course, the Call knows no shame.

Anonymous said...

At least Stonebraker knows how to write. As far as libelous comments, it seems to me that the truth spot has backed up their prose with facts.

Anonymous said...

The difference between the Truth Spot and the South County News is the Truth Spot is very educational with articles that are excellent. On the other hand the South County News is blog site where everyone is angry and bitter with blogs that are very poorly written and agendas from the Fire Department that no body cares about.

SouthCountyMike said...

7:29 Yes, the Truth Spot is educational in the same way Joseph Goebels propoganda was. All the have is innuendo. They also have the archives of the Call at their disposal. They think they can say what they want because they are anonymous. We'll see how that works out for them.

Anonymous said...

Why is that creep's picture in the Call newspaper the same as in the Truth Spot?

Anonymous said...

I think Stonebraker is smarter the Goebbels. He controls everything in South County behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...

Hey Skelton,

You lost in court today. I hope the District files suit against you to get our tax dollars back for defending itself. Why don't guys give up? You can't win.

Anonymous said...

BTW South County Mike,

Learn how to spell Goebbels!

SouthCountyMike said...

Thank you. I'll try.

One entry found.

Main Entry: Goeb·bels
Pronunciation: \ˈgə(r)-bəlz, ˈgœ-bəls\
Function: biographical name
(Paul) Joseph 1897–1945 German Nazi propagandist

Anonymous said...

Are you the same Heins that the Truth Spot basted in his blog to day?

SouthCountyMike said...

2;53 I am that person. I have contacted the blog's owner and asked to have the lie removed.

Anonymous said...

SouthCountyMike If I were you I wouldn't be posting accusations that you dont even know are true about organized crime and the people involved if you want to live to see tomorrow. Go on keep posting stuff like that someone will find and you believe me when they do it wont be pretty

SouthCountyMike said...

1:12 Could you explain? Are you speaking for someone else or yourself?