Monday, January 26, 2009

Quid Pro Quo

It appears that the Call Newspapers will be rewarded for their efforts as the spokesman for the Board of Directors of the Mehlville Fire Department. At Friday's hastily called meeting, the board approved paying the Call for their services. I understand this was approved even though they don't have an amount to be paid. I also understand if you watch the video of the meeting, department's senior administrators can be seen rolling their eyes at der Chairman Hilmer's comments. This is quite odd. The MFPD is starting a newsletter. They haven't had a news release since Stegmann and Hilmer joined the board. They don't announce 75 % of their meetings over 48 hours in advance. Oh yeah, it's re-election time for Stegmann. That's convenient.


Anonymous said...

I have been looking at your blogs and you need to evaluate a little harder on the bloggin that individuals write in. I have seen some very bad language and I would prefer not to go any further. This is not a family or christian blog site.

Anonymous said...

Weasels. Slinking, stinking, underhanded lying weasels. Hilmer and Co. Backed by the same people who have and will continue to crucify the school district for "wasting taxpayer dollars" on things like newsletters. Since THEY are publishing it, I'm guessing it suddenly won't be classified as propaganda.
Are voters really this dumb and blind?

Anonymous said...

It looks like one of your post shows the full schedule of Fire Board meetings, and oh yeah the Jan 23 meeting was listed. You are a job. Why don't you pull your head out of your ass.

Anonymous said...

Where can I view this video?

Anonymous said...

My friend you are wrong saying that a 48 hour notice on the agenda must be given. Under 610.020 the law is clear in giving a 24 hour notice for posting the meeting agenda. Please get your fact straight before commenting.

Anonymous said...

After looking at your site and seeing some of the blogs with the f words, your site should be taken off of the web.

Anonymous said...

I was reading the blog site Truth Spot and seen where some stupid individual was thinking about trying to stop the fire department putting an issue on the ballot to stop further taxes on the citizens who live in the mehlville fire department. This guy has to be nuts. I am not working at the present time and I think the fire department is the only organization thinking about all of us in hard times. This nut can go straignt to HELL.

Anonymous said...

Why do you people on this site think about taxes taxes, come on give us a break and let the fire department do there thing. THANK YOU

SouthCountyMike said...

As some of you have surely noticed, I haven't been as timely with comments and posts during the last eight weeks or so. Without boring you with my excuses, I'll just say I've been extremely busy! It has nothing to do with any particular events that might pertain to this blog. Please accept my apoligy. This rushing around also lead to me referring to the meeting in the main post as hastily called. It wasn't. My bad. That was just plain sloppy on my part. Now,
4:21 Call Channel 5
8:35 Exactly what are you referring to?
5:09 Are you serious? This blog is G rated compared to the rest of blogisphere.
8:33 I think you're referring to Dennis Skelton. You may not agree with Mr. Skelton but you're completly wrong to call him stupid. As to him being nuts, well, I can't arque with you there. As you might remember, he prevailed in his last legal action to stop the MFPD Board of Directors from placing a frivilous and illegal tax issue on the ballot. Also, if you believe in heaven and hell, I wouldn't be telling people to "go to hell", since I believe that is the way to get your own one way ticket.Repent!
8:31 Nobody likes to pay taxes! To simply run around griping hurts both our community and our nation. The best thing we can do is to work for fair taxation and good stewardship of our tax dollars.
During the last two years, my family has used the EMS services of the MFPD twice, once for a heart attack and the other for a leg that was broken in about seven places. I can tell you during both instances,no one was concerned about our tax rate. You get what you pay for! If you want to put your head in the sand, that's fine. When your at your best friend's funeral and everbody's saying, " They did their best", will you be wondering if "their best" was marginalized because of the reduction of resources available to them? Of course, maybe you don't have a best friend or you don't really care all that much about him/her. You may not have a granddaughter with a severe case of asthma. But I care, even if you don't. THANK YOU

Anonymous said...

I really don't give a damn about there services, keeping ahead with paying my bills comes first. Calling for a damn ambulance don't mean squat if I can not pay for the hospital bill.

SouthCountyMike said...

8:35 Now I understand. I mentioned that the board doesn't announce 75%of their meetings in advance in my post. You are correct when you say this does not violate MO 610.020 but that's not relevant. If the board wanted people to know about their business, they wouldn't wait till the last minute to post their meetings. They would post them on their website like all the other public entities do here in South County. Check out the website of the Lemay Fire Department. They post their dates, agendas and even their minutes after the meeting.
Even though the fire district BOD did not violate the law in this instance, they repeatedly violate Missouri's statutes involving their meeting postings and release of public records.
9:17 I feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know if a bid process was put out by the BOD for this service. If so who were the other bidders. What were there bids.

Anonymous said...

I was reading the Call, shame on me I know, and I read that in 2007 when the BOD tried to put the tax decrease on the ballot that it will save $9.75 million a year. Now it states that it will save $10.5 million in 2009. Why does this number grow, and if that's the case let's wait til 2020 and save $20.5 million. Is the BOD being sneaky with their numbers to make it look good or...what? Does anyone know that these numbers are even real. Just like the time where Hilmer said I can save over $200 a year in taxes. I don't even pay that much in fire taxes. The most I pay is $75.00 a year. When it was all said and done 2 years ago I think I saved $10.00.

Anonymous said...

Me as well. I remember Hillmer bragging about saving us $400.00 a year in fire taxes!
I admit I was duped. I looked at my tax bill and save a whole
.22 cents a day compared to before he was a board member.
What a sham! All this turmoil for
.22 cents a day!

Anonymous said...

To 6:20:
The real question is how was the bid process conducted?
How much notice did they give?
How did they get the word out? How was the bid request worded?

They've done this before; given insufficient time for competitors to even find out there is a bid in process, much less time to pull together said bid. Then, when they don't get any competing bids, they award the contract to their cherry-picked favorite.

Don't kid yourself. This was a done deal from the get-go.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are full of SHIT:

Anonymous said...

5:37 and 7:20, assuming you are not the same person:
Is it remotely possible for you to contribute an intelligent comment?
Something perhaps to do with the subject at hand?
Insults and foul language convey a knuckle-dragging, human trash image; making it sound as though YOU live in a shack and smoke joints. Way too many joints.

Anonymous said...

Hilmer states his figures on a
250K home!
Not all of us in south county are trust fund babies!
My homes value is about 166K.-
And falling! Thank You Republicans and your big bank friends!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see that Stegman is using Tax dollars to mail her propaganda letters for re-election to the district citizens!

That board sure likes to walk the line!

Anonymous said...

It sure is funny but the trust fund baby sure is beating your dumb ass:

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a great letter and I am very proud of what they are doing. As a citizen of South County I hope there are many more to come.

Anonymous said...

The trust fund baby has nothing but time on his hands to play with his favorite toy, the fire department.
The rest of us work for a living.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me what the Truth Spot is talking about this guy Golfstein?