Friday, January 18, 2008

News From Our Capitol

Well Walt has hit two home runs in just one day. He has managed to serve two masters, Arron Hilmer and Bill Milligan both, although I don't think Arron will like the audio recording bill.

Rep. Walt Bivins plans to file the following legislation on January l6, 2008 upon adjournment. If you would like to Co-Sponsor please reply to this email or contact Betty at 751-9766. Thanks.

1. This legislation would allow Fire District Directors to place on the ballot voter authority to lower their property tax levy. Current language only allows ballot language to increase a district’s levy. (4033L.01I)

2. This legislation will require public bodies to make an audio recording of executive or closed meetings. In the event there is a Sunshine Law Challenge to what was discussed, the recording would be provided to the courts for an in camera review to determine if the complaint had any validity. (3887L.01I)

The first bill is somewhere between silly and horrible. Fire directors already can lower the rate if they like. This will only confuse voters into thinking their rates will go down. It will however tie districts' hands in the future. That's real forward thinking. I can see this moving into our school districts next. On behalf of the kids, let me thank Walt in advance.

The second bill I like but it ought to be video tape. Anyone can shut off an audio recorder.

Either way, Walt has really secured the sponsorship of the Call. He won't even have to spend any money on this race. Milligan will take the gloves off. Polizzi will be beaten like a bowl of eggs.


Anonymous said...

Hey southcountymike, anyone can turn off a video recorder also.

SouthCountyMike said...

You're right but it's more difficult hide with a video. Either one can be circumvented if the public body wishes to intentionally violate the law.
Mike Heins

Anonymous said...

It does take a little knowledge to do this. YOUR OUT:

Anonymous said...

Your know match for Hilmer.