Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mehlville Fire Board Meeting Minutes Nov.19th, 2009


The Board of Directors of the Mehlville Fire Protection District of St. Louis County, Missouri, met at the Mehlville Conference Room, 11020 Mueller Road, St. Louis County, Missouri, on the 19th day of November, 2009.
Present at the meeting were:
Aaron Hilmer, Chairman and Director of the Board;
Bonnie C. Stegman, Treasurer and Director of the Board;
Edmond Ryan, Secretary and Director of the Board; and
Timothy J. White, Administrative Chief Fire Officer of the Mehlville Fire Protection District.
James J. Silvernail, Chief of the Mehlville Fire Protection District, was absent.
Mr. Hilmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and announced the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.
Mrs. Stegman made a motion to approve the payment of bills of November 9, 2009 and to attach a copy to the minutes. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Chief White discussed a proposed change to the Vacation Policy Regarding Paramedic School that would require employees to take vacation time in the year earned. He asked that the Board would review the change and vote on it at the next meeting.
Chief White discussed the need to replace physical fitness equipment at the Fire Houses. He proposed replacing aging treadmills with ellipticals and stated that he had located five commercial quality ellipticals at a substantial closeout price reduction. Mrs. Stegman made a motion to approve the purchase of up to five ellipticals at $3,520 each, for a total of up to $17,600. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.
Chief White informed the Board that the Tower Lease with Clearwire is ready to be signed. The Tower will be fully leased, bringing in about $80,000 annually. Mr. Hilmer made a motion to approve the Communication Tower Agreement with Clearwire. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Chief White described the need to repaint the 1760 Pumper. The job will be put out to bid and those bids brought to the Board for approval at a later date.
Chief White discussed the need to improve security at the MFPD Administration offices for employees as well as members of the public. He proposed installation of a Security Camera System, which would include one camera in the lobby and additional cameras in the parking lot and around the perimeter of the building. Chief White proposed acceptance of the lowest of three bids, which was also the best system, with the addition of three cameras. Mrs. Stegman made a motion to approve $3,635 plus $400 per additional camera for a total of $4,385 to purchase the Security Camera System. Mr. Ryan seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Chief White stated that the 1 House Generator needs to be replaced. The replacement will be put out to bid and those bids brought to the Board for approval at a later date.
Chief White discussed the need to replace a seven-year-old thermal imager camera that has been breaking down. The thermal imager cameras assist with search and rescue operations and firefighter safety, seeking out hidden pockets of high heat, flames and smoky conditions. Due to a trade-in deal with the seller, upgrade to a high resolution camera similar to the one purchased recently by the District would cost $4,990, a savings of almost $5,000. Mr. Ryan made a motion to approve the purchase of the upgrade camera at a cost of $4,990. Mrs. Stegman seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Mr. Hilmer excused himself from the meeting.
Greg Garner from Archimages presented a feasibility study for modifications to the existing House 2 plan to enable the Board to review possible changes, additions and deletions and their potential costs. Five schemes were described which included modifications such as bay size reduction, additional fitness space and gear storage space, a mezzanine level for storage and training, an added larger bunk room, a second floor addition, and stair towers as required.
Chief White and Board members discussed the plans, especially focusing on the extent of training facilities that should be included in House 4 and future houses. They agreed that decisions about House 4 are contingent on future plans for House 3. Mr. Garner stated that he would return to the next Board meeting with a conglomerate plan including associated costs.
Mrs. Stegman recognized Union President Nick Fahs. Captain Fahs expressed a concern regarding the Fit for Duty test.Mrs. Stegman then made a motion that a closed meeting be held for the purpose of discussing personnel, legal and real estate matters immediately following the adjournment of the regular meeting. Mrs. Stegman, as part of said motion, moved that said closed meeting not be open to members of the general public under the provisions of Chapter 610 of the Missouri Revised Statutes, commonly referred to as the Sunshine Act. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ryan. A roll call vote on said motion was taken.


Anonymous said...

Man A actual meeting whats cooking.

Anonymous said...

Captain Fahs concerns are very true. This test is not an approved test and will not hold up in court. This is Whites pay back to the Union for not kissing his but when he was a lazy firefighter. I am a firefighter with Mehlville and used to be proud of it until this stupid individual came along. He is only a make believe chief that knows nothing. We all are keeping an eye on this backstaber and firefighter hater that should have been fired years ago.

Anonymous said...

I read Stoney’s Blog today and really don’t understand what message he is sending. He’s encouraging Fahs be re-elected? Does he not have sources in the union to tell him no one is running against Fahs for president? Or, is he ratting Fahs out as friends with everyone and loyal to no one, then encouraging everyone to drop out of the union? I am not sure which the message is, but Fahs needs to stop playing with Stoney, if Stoney is going to turn on him.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike I was informed that Hilmer said he can whip your ass anytime and still have time for lunch:

Anonymous said...

the government took my cell phones and my pc

SouthCountyMike said...

6:08 I'm glad you feel like you were "informed."

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a threat to me maybe it time for a full investigation of Hilmer I hear crazy runs in the family

SouthCountyMike said...

No, that wasn't a threat. It was bait. It was like most things you read in the Call, designed to aggravate. Both aren't worthy of my time.

Anonymous said...

Mike Anthony should interview the AG Office before he writes a artical on whats happining.

SouthCountyMike said...

7:02 Mike Anthony might do something like that if he had any personal or professional integrity.

Anonymous said...

I feel if he interviewed the AG'S office the fire board would look good once again. I heard the AG'S office was very ticked off at Heins and Skelton when they tried to tell them the law. You would only think some people would learn who to pick a fight with.

SouthCountyMike said...

4:26 The fire board will look good when its chairman decides to dress like a grown up for a public meetings. Didn't your mamma tell you not to believe all of what you hear? How exactly could the AG's office be "ticked" at me for trying to tell them the law. We've never spoken about the law, at least as far as the Mehlville Fire District is concerned. I have spoken to them about several matters in the past and have found them to be quite helpful. One of those times was when I filed a complaint against the Call Newspapers for violating the Missouri NO CALL List. Perhaps you should go back to your source and ask for facts not BS.