Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Call Newspapers / Hilmer Family

It was good to hear the Call finally decided to cover the school budget crisis this week. I guess they were a little embarrassed being scooped by this BLOG last week. Amazingly, they had two prominent anti-public school letters to the editor right along with the article. This was great timing. What was even better was the fact that Der Chairman Hilmer, Mehlville Fire Department, even mentioned this humble blogger. And by just a coincidence, his cousin Joel Hemme wrote the other letter to the editor. This makes me wonder what's in the coffee at Starbucks these days. So the Hilmers are one big anti-firefighter and anti-public education family. That's sweet. That the Call would print their letters together certainly makes you think the Call has no objectivity left whatsoever. You have to think that Call owner Bill Milligan owes these clowns money. He can't be this incompetent on his own.


Anonymous said...


SouthCountyMike said...

Thanks for your input.

Crestwood Independent said...

4:25 PM, 3/27: Are you back again? Is it spring break at "rocket science school?"

Tom Ford

Crestwood Independent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SouthCountyMike said...

Isn't that incredible? That should at least have a disclaimer "This editorial page sponsored by the Hilmer Family." They were caught with their proverbial pants down. They must have no shame.

Anonymous said...

You idiots should find a real job however I don't believe that there is a demand for poor writers or repairmen that probably could not fix a drain pipe.

Crestwood Independent said...

Shame, what shame? You are discussing the self appointed "ruling class" here!

As they would tell you, "let them eat cake!"

I will be looking for you at the pool hall on Saturday, and I am coming with a bent stick, so.......

Tom Ford

Anonymous said...

Since you read every word in the Call, every week then say you don't read it, what are we to think of YOUR credibility?

Anonymous said...

What I'd tell ya, they are running out of things to write about at the truth det. Next they will write about how the firemen's hair is too long or their eyes are the wrong color. Who knows....

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can all become vacum cleaner salesman, I heard that job really sucks, or sell plastic bags full of green vegetation .

Anonymous said...

I do not eat cake and yes I will be looking for you at the Pool hall. GOOD LUCK and you better have a very big stick. SEE YA

SouthCountyMike said...

3/27 4:29
We both have jobs and we are very proud of the the other jobs we've done prior to these. This is our hobby. We enjoy sharing information with the community that folks aren't getting from our papers.

SouthCountyMike said...

3/27 6:07
I don't know how to prove a negative to you. I didn't read the Call. I got a phone call telling me about the letters to the editor. I even started my post with "It was good to hear ,,,"

Crestwood Independent said...

"Father forgive them for they know not what they do!" The great un-washed seem to be restless tonight!

Anonymous seems to be the hallmark of a "sad, and lonely" poster here lately. And by the way, when will you have the funds, the ability, and the nerve to start your own blog, complete with your REAL NAME?

I will tell you, NEVER, and why is that, because you love to hide in the shadows and complain. There is a word for a person such as that, ...............

Tom Ford

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, this cracks me up. Hilmer is going on and on about how the new 2 house will be paid for in cash. Mehlville has always paid every thing with cash, talk about patting yourself on the back. I wouldn't be proud of saying I was paying for some thing with cash when it will have to be remodeled in a few years, because it's too small,to house a bigger truck and more staff.

Speaking of which, Mike do you this Ed Ryan is? I wonder what he thinks on all this. Isn't he paid the same way the Firemen are, I mean with tax money. I wonder if he is just laying low not to be a target or if he is just a puppet.

Crestwood Independent said...

Mike, I came to the pool hall a bit early I guess, as you were not there yet.

I gave the management my check for the donation as well as my phone numbers to give to you.

I hope all went well, and you made a lot of money for the families! That was indeed a great thing for you to sponsor, and I know the Kirkwood Police family really appreciates it.

Tom Ford

SouthCountyMike said...

I'm sorry I missed you. They didn't pass on your numbers but did share with me your donations. Thank you very much. I played my usual pool, as my teamates will tell you is not very dood, and got tossed in the first round. But since I had some extra dough, I tossed some extra cash at the main raffle and won first prize. I now own a better cue stick than I know what to do with. It was good fun for a great cause. Thanks again!

Crestwood Independent said...

Re the cue stick, remember, "it's never the arrow, it's always the indian!"

However new equipment can't hurt, enjoy it!

By the way, in response to our detractor reference our job's:

"I would rather be a right wing nut job, than a liberal with no nuts and no job!"

Tom Ford

Anonymous said...

I DO NOT UNDERSTAND? I think you are both, no nuts and a liberal:

Crestwood Independent said...

Of course you don't understand, how could you?

I hope you get a letter tomorrow (it will remind you of who you are,) so you can post your name on this blog with your next inane remark!

Tom Ford

Crestwood Independent said...

Mike, I came across this quote last night while reading "famous quotes." It seems to cover my thoughts on our "detractors" to a tee!

" I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it."


Tom Ford

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

in·ane –adjective 1. lacking sense, significance, or ideas; silly: inane questions.
2. empty; void.

I think he meant inane in the context in which it was written. Plus, even if he meant insane there are more typos on this blog that aren't even real words.