Things are bad and they should have seen it coming. It was great politics to give everybody a 6 % raise last year, but what board doesn't ask for a couple of year's projections?
Let me just say this: Karl Frank, Jr. needs to resign and withdraw from the election. If he really loved our schools and wanted them to succeed, he should put the children's needs before his own.
Should Frank win and the district go out for something before the voters, there's no way they can respect the board after what he's done in his own personal bankruptcy and putting the district on the same path.
Karl, quit for the kids!
And let me ask you, have you heard anything about this other than here?
Didn't Karl make the motion last year to give the 6% increase?
I don't think so
You don't think so what?
I do not think anyone is going to quit:
I think you're probably right.
Yes, 3/26 6:20
Karl Frank, Jr. made the motion that they all get a 6% raise. Tom Diehl seconded the motion.
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