Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm Not a Republican

I used to be. I even worked as a Republican election judge many years ago. But now, I most often vote for Democrats. I realize as I read the paper that I view the stories with some bias. Sometimes though, I have to wonder, is this the best they've got.
I read about the registrations for the upcoming County Council election. For our district, we have the incumbent John Campisi. Mr. Campisi has been caught stealing water while in office. In addition, there are quite a few questions out there about his financial dealings. He recently took a job working for Applied Scholastics. This is the same group of people that John Travolta and Tom Cruise worship with. This is just strange.
Then we've got Republican Mike Rohrbacher running as a Libertarian. Now if Mike isn't a piece of work, I don't know what is. He's in hot water over the missing funds involved in the Community College tax election. Perhaps he thinks that being a candidate for the County Council will keep him out of a federal penitentiary.
Prediction: The Call will sponsor Campisi. They are peas in a pod.


Anonymous said...

Better Republican then a JERK.

SouthCountyMike said...

Please, I can handle being called a jerk, but in capital letters, was that necessary?

Anonymous said...

Everybody in South County knows you are a liberal Democrat, why not be real and admit it? Or are you ashamed being in a party that advocates killing babies, racism against whites and gay marriage?

SouthCountyMike said...

I'm flattered that you think everyone in S. County knows me as well as my political thoughts. I've never been afraid of openingly sharing my political views. I find your view of the Democratic Party a tiny bit slanted. You say we advocate killing babies and I don't think we do. Most of us think we should attempt to avoid unnecessary killing children, be that in the womb or on the battlefield.I'm not sure about the racism against whites, are you talking about letting non-white people have the same constitutional rights as whites. Are you still pissed at Truman for integrating the military? I guess we're mostly guilty of that. And gay marriage, just exactly how that effects non- gay people, I really don't understand. Years ago, the courts kept whites and blacks from co-mingling and that didn't stop them. Perhaps you should worry about your own bedroom.