Sunday, March 9, 2008

More Hypocrisy from Call Newspapers

I don't know anyone who respects our weakly newspaper. How could they? Active community leaders will tell you they are mean, biased and insulting in almost every story they publish. Conservatives complain about the liberal slant of their editorials. Time and time again, they prove to have no standards or principles. This was reinforced for me this week, when I caught this little article, written by their Editor from Arnold, Mike Anthony, at the Heartland Institute's website. Now why would a liberal paper give a right wing organization permission to use their property? Would James Stonebraker, aka the Truth Detector, give something to I don't think so. I guess they were excited that anyone would want to reprint something from their paper that wasn't a sports team's photo.
The article is about the Mehlville Fire Board's new water carrier, State Representative Walt Bivins and his efforts to craft legislation on their behalf. Bivins has been truly doing a remarkable job on behalf of Mr. Hilmer. I can see him now driving around their lobbyist Cathy Enz in his Jaguar introducing her to people in Jeff City. Perhaps if Walt was representing his constituents, instead of Chairman Hilmer, he wouldn't have Mr. Don Hoskins as an opponent in the upcoming Republican primary. I am impressed though. All all these years the Call has been unmercifully slamming Bivins for some petty stuff, now they've taken a real liking to him. Look for Gunga Din to get a huge sponsorship in upcoming elections.


Crestwood Independent said...

The "paper" is gasping for air here, and it shows! If Mr. Bivins becomes the darling of the liberals, I think we should all vote for Mr. Hoskins.

Sad that we have to deal with that sort of thing, but it seems to be on both sides of the aisle!

The Republican Party needs to wake up and work for their constituants, not just for re-election and certianly, not for a liberal "paper!"

Tom Ford

Tom Ford

SouthCountyMike said...

It would seem to me that people, be they liberal or conservative, should work toward a better community and nation.

Anonymous said...

Is this the Jim Stonebraker that is a convicted drug dealer.

SouthCountyMike said...

I don't think he was "convicted."
Mike Heins

Anonymous said...

I think it was removed from his record, I think the MFPD attorney did that.

SouthCountyMike said...

By golly, I think you're on to something. It appears Matt Hoffman (Hoffman & Slocomb, LLC) attorney for the Mehlville Fire Department, has represented Mr. James Stonebraker aka the Truth Detector, Miriam's hubby or just Stoney, on numerous occasions. This soap opera has deep roots.
Mike Heins

Crestwood Independent said...

Mike, that's not the same guy who low rated the union BA is it? Good grief, we have a minature Elliot Spitzer here if that's the case!

You know the holier than thou, arrogant, do as I say, not as I do type.


Tom Ford

SouthCountyMike said...

Do as I say, not as I do. That's perfect. That reminds me of the time he slandered a guy who was running against him for the state senate back in June of 2000. Stonebraker called Ron Wagganer a drug user on the radio. It was on the Big 550 KTRS. Ron's not the kind of guy to put up with crap like that so he got himself a lawyer. That punk Stonebraker sent back a letter of apology post haste. This alone proves what a liar the man is. And he calls himself the Truth Detector. He's full of crap.

Anonymous said...

As I read the 'Truth Defector' I say to myself "It sure would be great to post a comment or reply, maybe even the 'truth' on some of his articles! Any self respecting paper or media outlet would let it's readers comment. The Call does. Sure they hand pick the comments they want the readers to view but still there is a readers comment section.
The Way the 'Truth Defector' is just a candy assed way of forcing your slander on the public to state your agenda and not having put the real truth out!
Good ole' Stoney!

SouthCountyMike said...

I just find some more evidence of what a liar the Truth Detector(Mr. Stonebraker) is.
During the timeframe mentioned above, a recall petition was started against Stoney to remove him from the fire board. One of the reasons listed for his removal was" Reckless and irresponsible conduct reguarding false accusations made against a candidate for public office, the falsity of which you later admitted." When you start a petition for recall according to to Missouri Law, the fire official has a chance to answer it. Here's how Stonebraker did."I did not make any false accusations against a candidate for public office."
This is why I love history so much. The guy lies on the radio, he aplogizes for lieing, he lies again and a few years later moves south and names himself the Truth Detector.

Crestwood Independent said...

Great answer Mr. Stonebraker, it reminds me of some of the all time great political guru's!

" I wont raise your taxes!"

Bill Clinton

Tom Ford

Anonymous said...

Stoney reminds me of a guy who is drowning. He will grab onto anything to stay afloat bringing whatever he grabs down with it. Which in this case, what he is grabbing is the south county's readers and the reputation this area once had.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

How do we know what the Call is saying about the quality of our Firemen, is true? They are saying that only 15% is qualified to go else where. Is this true?

They say they are also going to hire 9. 9? Didn't they say that they are 17 people short of what full staffed should be? If 17 did leave and they are hiring 9 at a lower cost, shouldn't they atleast hire....12 for the lower cost. And when I say lower cost, this isn't a good thing. Which would you rather have, someone who is from Lake of The Ozarks (the only people who will apply) or someone who has lived here for his/her whole life and knows the area and doesn't want to work anywhere else because the money is descent?

SouthCountyMike said...

March 16, 8:28am
You're right on target about Stoney (Truth Defector) bringing people down. This is why he is close to Hilmer and the Call. Ever since I've known about him, for about 15 years, he's complained and worked against things here in the Mehlville Fire and School Districts. He did this while living in Lemay(outside of the districts. For the life of me, I can't figure out why a person turns into such a grouch. I can only guess that misery likes company and that is why he tries to bring people down with him with him.

SouthCountyMike said...

While I'm on the subject of the guy from the Wet Spot, I'd like to follow up on the little slander episode he was involved in. It appears that he sent a News Release, at least according to a letter by Stonebraker, to the Call in which he apologized for referring to his opponent as a drug user in the Missouri State Senate race. Can anyone help me out? Did the Call ever publish this?
I kind of doubt it. It's more their Method of Operation to hide liars that are their friends. The news release was dated 8/28/2000.

SouthCountyMike said...

3/16 9:13 am

If it's in the Call, one must doubt its accuracy. To say that only 15% of our staff is qualified to go elsewhere is absurd and for them to even put out numbers like show a lack of proffessionalism on their part. This was most likely a release from Camp Hilmer/Stonebraker. This sounds like the bulls#$@ that Stonebraker used to release to the newspapers while he was on the Lemay board. He would deny it to the staff but it was in print in the Journal. It's designed to break the spirit of the men and women that work for the district. I'll do some homework and find out more about these staffing issues. It may take some time because the the fire district has been stonewalling my efforts to get public documents in violation of Missouri's open records and fire district laws.

Crestwood Independent said...

The State of Missouri has regulations and boards that cover Fire and Police (Dept. of public safety.)

I seriuosly doubt that any of your fire or para-medics are not up to standards, as they would be out of a job post haste!

I think this is just what Mike say's it is, a way to hold down the troop's! If that is the case, I find it to be disgusting, and a slap in the face of the brave men and women serving your department!

I have an idea, what say Hilmer, Stonebreaker, and the "paper" personnell accompany the firemen on their next alarm? Get them in that burning building,let them fight that fire!

I believe we will see then who is qualified, and who is a "drug store cowboy!"

Tom Ford

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work mike and Crestwood Independent. It seems to me that they are running out of things to say on the truth spot, so watch out for remarks made on this web-site that may sound like it is coming from a Mehlville employee (things that may sound very rude or like they hate their job).

Also, I know of the retired chief of Lemay, I may stop by and have a chat to see what he has to say.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

Did you attend the fire board meeting last Thursday? I weasn't able to attend I had to work.

just curious

SouthCountyMike said...

No, I didn't. It wasn't a scheduled meeting and as usual they don't post meetings till two days ahead of time.The fire district's website still doesn't have the meeting date posted. When I e-mailed the district and let them know the site wasn't updated, I was told I was wasting their time. These folks are incredible. They refuse to take minutes of their meetings in violation of two laws and their own policy. And they wait till the last minute to post meetings they know about much further in advance.

Anonymous said...

That's incredible, is there anything that we can do to fix this problem. Obviously they, either don't know they are in violation (doubt it) or they just don't give a R/A what happens to the district. Very incompitent.

Another thing, I saw on truth spot an article saying that Mehlville Fire employees drive the nicest vehicles. ????? I just drove by and there was about a 1996 ford ranger, about a 1965 chevy pick up, another car looked like a honda and maybe 2001 ford F-150. Just another lie by the rude detector.

"Prediction" I predict there will be another go around of fine people quiting at MFPD. It's not because of the local it's because of the pay, they are the lowest payed in St. Louis County. I don't blame them for leaving to go else where. It's human nature to look elsewhe,re to get paid well for the same job as you are doing now.

SouthCountyMike said...

These things usually get fixed when the entity gets embarassed, but I don't think they can be embarassed. Remember, they hired a chief who was facing charges for harassing his former employers. He plead guilty, had probation and a restraing order against him. In a normal outfit he would have been fired immediately. Perhaps we'll have to file a lawsuit if they won't stop it. So Stoney thinks the employees cars are too nice. I thought he was a conservative. It sure sounds like he's a socialist, telling folks what they should own.
I wonder if he thinks Walt Bivens shouldn't have a Jaguar?

Anonymous said...

you are all crazy

SouthCountyMike said...

Perhaps we are.
But we are not wife beaters, drug dealers, fascists or harassing thugs.

Anonymous said...

That is your opinion, how can you prove you are not on drugs. It sure sounds like from your articles you are on something.

SouthCountyMike said...

Just like a polygraph, I'd be happy to take a drug test. Come up with the money and I'll provide you with a sample. Unlike Mr. Stonebraker, when he was with the Lemay FD, I won't refuse claiming any 4th amendment rights.

Anonymous said...

For your information Mr. Heins, Stonebraker DID take a drug test and released it publicly at a fire board meeting. He was clean. You should double check your sources.

SouthCountyMike said...

First, you don't release a drug test. You have to be surprised, either random or directed, or it would be worthless.
Second, I am correct and I have the minutes from the meeting where the refusal by Stoney took place. It was June 17th,2000.I can let you see my copy if you like.
Third, I don't make this stuff up. I get it from public records. I would have to hide my identity, like the Truth Defector, if I was going to slander people.You see, the truth is what it is.
Mike Heins

Anonymous said...

I hope that the poster above does bring former Lemay chief George Williams back to the scene. Then we can revisit all of the checks he wrote to himself for no reason that were signed by Lemay's old board. He also screwed the firemen out of large chunks of their pension while fattening his own when they converted their plan. Interview him and let the truth be told. Stoney would love it.